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  • Guy Elsmore-Paddock's avatar
    Added-in changes from [#2418335]: · 5949f457
    Guy Elsmore-Paddock authored
      - Fixed a bug where hook_site_post_install() was only firing off in unattended installs (i.e. via CI or Aegir) but not during manual attended installs (the post-install step was being put after the "Finished" page of manual install).
      - Watchdog logging output is now more verbose and the pre-install and post-install steps of install are now displayed on manual installs as "Starting installation" and "Finalizing installation" to make verifying that the hooks are working easier.
      - Added code to allow modules to use hook_module_implements_alter() to adjust the order that post-install hooks fire.
      - Tweaked PHPdoc comments to follow Drupal standards.
      - Added an additional API example for hook_module_implements_alter().
      - Clarified documentation wording.