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  • Bèr Kessels's avatar
    Very alpha release of shazamgallery. · 195e5662
    Bèr Kessels authored
    This wants to become a feature rich, advanced gallery. It uses nodes for everything, but depends heavily on image module.
    Some more features:
    * last X images  blocks
    * node type "gallery" to add new galleries. Every "gallery node" becomes a term too. thats the magic!
    * "use this as gallery image" with all images. set he default gallery image
    * advanced theming options. The gallery itself looks nothing special. its the theme that adds the shazam!
    Soon to come features
    * Previous next stuff
    * Virtual galleries like monthly, weekly, per user, per role, a gallery for every shazam.
    Sometime to come features
    * tagcloud integration (tagadelic.module integration of some sort)
    * mobile stuff. Cool mobilephone camera shazam!
    Never to come features
    * mass upload. No. Really, no. Look for image_import module it does it already.
    * image thumbnail generation and stuff like that. We leave all the heavy lifting to image.moudle. Shazamgallery is about presenting, not about generating.