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Add logger submodule

Valery Lourie requested to merge issue/search_api-3475570:3475570-logger into 8.x-1.x

Closes #3475570

This MR creates a new module search_api_logger with the following functionality:

  1. Expose TypedData plugin LogEntry, accompanied by LogEntryDataDefinition. Fields in LogEntryDataDefinition match those of dblog_schema()
  2. Expose Plugin/search_api/datasource/Log plugin that represent log entry.
  3. Expose LoggerInterface implementation SearchApiLog.

Then go parts that I'm not sure about:

  1. SearchApiLog pushes all log entries to search_api index with predefined name "logs". If such index does not exist or is disabled, SearchApiLog::log() does nothing.
  2. There are predefined configurations for search_api.index.logs and accompanying view views.view.logs in config/install
Edited by Valery Lourie

Merge request reports
