ABOUT ----- This module suite implements a mapping functionality between Salesforce objects and Drupal entities. In other words, for each of your supported Drupal entities (e.g. node, user, or entities supported by extensions), you can assign Salesforce objects that will be created / updated when the entity is saved. For each such assignment, you choose which Drupal and Salesforce fields should be mapped to one another. This suite also includes an API architecture which allows for additional modules to be easily plugged in (e.g. for webforms, contact form submits, etc). For a more detailed description of each component module, see below. REQUIREMENTS ------------ 1) You need a Salesforce account. Developers can register here: http://www.developerforce.com/events/regular/registration.php 2) You will need to create a remote application/connected app for authorization. In Salesforce go to Your Name > Setup > Create > Apps then create a new Connected App. Set the callback URL to: https://<your site>/salesforce/oauth_callback (must use SSL) Select at least 'Perform requests on your behalf at any time' for OAuth Scope as well as the appropriate other scopes for your application. Additional information: https://help.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/remoteaccess_about.htm 3) Your site needs to be SSL enabled to authorize the remote application using OAUTH. 4) If using the SOAP API, PHP to have been compiled with SOAP web services and OpenSSL support, as per: http://php.net/soap http://php.net/openssl 5) Required modules Entity API - http://drupal.org/project/entity Libraries, only for SOAP API - http://drupal.org/project/libraries See Installation below for installing other required dependencies. AUTHORIZATION / CONNECTED APP CONFIGURATION ------------------------------------------- You can supply your connected app's consumer key, consumer secret, and login URL to the Salesforce Authorization form found at admin/config/salesforce/authorize. This information will be stored into your site's mutable/exportable configuration and used to authorize your site with Salesforce. Alternately you can supply or override this configuration using your site's settings.php file. For example, a developer might add the following to his/her settings.local.php file to connect his/her development environment to a Salesforce sandbox: $config['salesforce.settings']['consumer_key'] = 'foo'; $config['salesforce.settings']['consumer_secret'] = 'bar'; $config['salesforce.settings']['login_url'] = 'https://test.salesforce.com'; Supplying your connected app configuration exclusively by way of settings.php has additional benefits in terms of security and flexibility: - Keeps this sensitive configuration out of the database (and out of version control if the site's configuration is tracked in code). - Allows for easily substituting environment-specific overrides for these values. If you track your site's settings.php file in version control, you can create a settings.local.php file for each of your Salesforce-conencted environments with the connected app configuration appropriate for the specific environment (see default.settings.php for the code to enable this core feature). - Reduces the likelihood of a development or staging environment accidentally connecting to your production Salesforce instance. If you choose the settings.php route, you'll need to supply dummy-values to the form at admin/config/salesforce/authorize. Rest assured the real values you've specified via settings.php will be used to establish the connection to Salesforce, even though you cannot see them in the configuration form. INSTALLATION: ------------- When installing through Composer, require each submodules used seperately in addition to the base salesforce module to insure installation of all necessary depedencies. For example, use 'composer require drupal/salesforce_mapping' to include drupal/dynamic_entity_reference and drupal/typed_data, both required by salesforce_mapping. MODULES: -------- Salesforce (salesforce): OAUTH2 authorization and wrapper around the Salesforce REST API. Salesforce Example (salesforce_example) Salesforce examples. Salesforce Logger (salesforce_logger) Consolidated logging for Salesforce Log events. Salesforce JWT Auth Provider (salesforce_jwt) Provides key-based Salesforce authentication. Salesforce Mapping (salesforce_mapping) Map Drupal entities to Salesforce fields, including field level mapping. Salesforce Mapping UI (salesforce_mapping_ui) User interface for managing Salesforce mappings. Salesforce OAuth user-agent Provider (salesforce_oauth) Provides user-agent-based Salesforce OAuth authentication. Salesforce Push (salesforce_push): Push Drupal entity updates into Salesforce. Salesforce Pull (salesforce_pull): Pull Salesforce object updates into Drupal. Salesforce Soap (salesforce_soap): Lightweight wrapper around the SOAP API, using the OAUTH access token, to fill in functional gaps missing in the REST API. Requires the Salesforce PHP Toolkit. Salesforce Webform (salesforce_webform) Adds support for webforms fields in Salesforce Mapping.

#3057022 by jidrone: Support for Gov Cloud
Ivan Duarte