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Commit bd41ffbd authored by Hans Salvisberg's avatar Hans Salvisberg
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#3159656 by salvis: Remove the offending '<\!--break-->' from translatable string.

parent da7e8595
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......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ CHANGELOG for RoleAssign for Drupal 7
roleassign 7.x-1.x-dev:
#3159656 by salvis: Remove the offending '<!--break-->' from translatable string.
roleassign 7.x-1.2 (2017-03-25):
......@@ -262,7 +262,6 @@ function _roleassign_help($path = "admin/help#roleassign", $arg) {
return t('
<p>RoleAssign specifically allows site administrators to further delegate the task of managing user\'s roles.</p>
<p>RoleAssign introduces a new permission called %Assign_roles. Users with this permission are able to assign selected roles to still other users. Only users with the %Administer_permissions permission may select which roles are available for assignment through this module.</p>
<p>It is possible for site administrators to delegate the user administration through the %Administer_users permission. But that doesn\'t include the right to assign roles to users. That is necessary if the delegatee should be able to administrate user accounts without intervention from a site administrator.</p>
<p>To delegate the assignment of roles, site administrators have had until now no other choice than also grant the %Administer_permissions permission. But that is not advisable, since it gives right to access all roles, and worse, to grant any rights to any role. That can be abused by the delegatee, who can assign himself all rights and thereby take control over the site.</p>
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