Issue #3492926: RoleDelegationRemoveRoleUser and RoleDelegationAddRoleUser...
requested to merge issue/role_delegation-3492926:3492926-roledelegationremoveroleuser-and-roledelegationaddroleuser into 8.x-1.x
1 unresolved thread
Merge request reports
54 54 $access = parent::access($object, $account, $return_as_object); 55 55 56 56 // If access == true, the user already has the administer users permission. 57 if ($access === TRUE) { 57 if ($access === TRUE || ($return_as_object && $access->isAllowed())) { 58 58 return $access; 59 59 } 60 60 61 61 // Check if the user has access to remove the role from the user. 62 return $this->roleDelegationAccessCheck->access($account); 62 $access = $this->roleDelegationAccessCheck->access($account); Code changes look good to me. Tested on fresh Drupal 10.3.10 installation.
- Created user with "Content Editor" role.
- Created user with "authenticated user" role.
- Configured module to allow "Content Editor" users to assign "Content Editor" role.
- Logged in as "Content Editor".
- Successfully assigned "Content Editor" role to authenticated user via bulk operation.
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