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Issue #3362297 New Queue Worker to send Email Notifications


  • New queue recurring_events_registration_email_notifications_queue_worker to send Email Notifications. Queue Worker Class: modules/recurring_events_registration/src/Plugin/QueueWorker/EmailNotificationsQueueWorker.php
  • Actions that trigger emails to multiple recipients (registrants) were modified to add items to the queue instead of using recurring_events_registration_send_notification(). Namely, the notifications corresponding to these keys: registration_reminder, series_modification_notification, instance_modification_notification, instance_deletion_notification, series_deletion_notification
  • Items can be added to the queue using the new helper function addEmailNotificationToQueue($key, RegistrantInterface $registrant) in the recurring_events_registration.notification_service service
  • The new function addEmailNotificationToQueue($key, RegistrantInterface $registrant) also invokes hook_recurring_events_registration_send_notification_alter to let modules determine whether a notification will be added to the queue based on properties of the Registrant
  • Actions that trigger just one email notification to one recipient (registrant) continue using recurring_events_registration_send_notification(). Namely: promotion_notification, registration_notification, waitlist_notification


  • Maybe provide a UI to configure if the system should use Queue Worker or not. People could have a checkbox to decide whether emails for notification types that are sent to multiple recipients should use the queue or send immediately.

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