Issue #3173381 by the_glitch, owenbush: Series Type Manage Form Display - Show/Hide 'Enable Wailing List' option
Issue #3160681 by owenbush, the_glitch: Error if sorting is attempted on 'Series Starts' column in Event Series admin view
Issue #3087603 by owenbush, the_glitch, MrPaulDriver: Suggested Event Registration Options and Form UI
Issue #3132898 by owenbush, Inherited fields not appearing in Display for Non-Default Events
Issue #3135007 by owenbush, virtualwaves: "Events in Series" not linked to referenced entity causes unexpected error
Issue #3130804 by owenbush: Default back to instance's Register tab when each is registration is saved
Issue #3133080 by owenbush, the_glitch: Time zone in Instance's Registrations tab not match time zone of event
Issue #3090302 by owenbush, Snehal Brahmbhatt, MrPaulDriver: Registrations: If capacity field is left blank, no registrations are possible
Issue #3087235 by owenbush, Snehal Brahmbhatt, the_glitch, MrPaulDriver, pjudge: Order Events by date on events series page?