Issue #3164409 by jrb, owenbush, the_glitch: RE's Group module plugins don't work because they provide the wrong install options in Group module
Issue #3207421 by owenbush, ryankavalsky: "Add another item" button on the Series Edit page doesn't work
Issue #3190077 by owenbush, dr. gubó: Recurring event instances with PM starting time are generated with incorrect AM starting time if site language is not English
Issue #3192388 by owenbush, the_glitch: Make compatible with admin themes (Use the administration theme when editing or creating content)
Issue #3132898 by owenbush, Inherited fields not appearing in Display for Non-Default Events
Issue #3135007 by owenbush, virtualwaves: "Events in Series" not linked to referenced entity causes unexpected error
Issue #3087235 by owenbush, Snehal Brahmbhatt, the_glitch, MrPaulDriver, pjudge: Order Events by date on events series page?