* @file
* Custom hooks exposed by the recurring_events module.
use Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventSeries;
use Drupal\recurring_events\EventInstanceCreatorInterface;
use Drupal\recurring_events\EventInstanceCreatorPluginManager;
* Alter the time options available when creating an event series entity.
* @param array $times
* An array of times in the format h:i a.
function hook_recurring_events_times_alter(array &$times = []) {
// Events cannot occur at midnight.
unset($times['00:00 am']);
* Alter the duration options available when creating an event series entity.
* @param array $durations
* An array of durations in seconds.
function hook_recurring_events_durations_alter(array &$durations = []) {
// Events can last for 2 days.
$durations[172800] = t('2 days');
* Alter the unit options available when creating an event series entity.
* @param array $units
* An array of units.
function hook_recurring_events_units_alter(array &$units = []) {
// Events can recur ever millisecond (please do not do this).
$units['millisecond'] = t('Millisecond(s)');
* Alter the days options available when creating an event series entity.
* @param array $days
* An array of available days.
function hook_recurring_events_days_alter(array &$days = []) {
// No events can take place on sundays.
* Alter the month days options available when creating an event series entity.
* @param array $month_days
* An array of available days of the month.
function hook_recurring_events_month_days_alter(array &$month_days = []) {
// No events can take place on the 17th of a month.
* Alter the event instance entity prior to saving it when creating a series.
* @param array $event_instance
* An array of data to be stored against a event instance.
function hook_recurring_events_event_instance_alter(array &$event_instance = []) {
// Change the series ID.
$event_instance['event_series_id'] = 12;
* Alter the active EventInstanceCreator plugin.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\EventInstanceCreatorInterface $active_plugin
* The active plugin to use.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\EventInstanceCreatorPluginManager $plugin_manager
* The plugin manager to discover plugins.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventSeries $series
* The event series for which we need to create instances.
function hook_recurring_events_event_instance_creator_plugin_alter(EventInstanceCreatorInterface &$active_plugin, EventInstanceCreatorPluginManager $plugin_manager, EventSeries $series) {
// If this is series #1 then use some-other-id plugin instead.
if ($series->id() === 1) {
$active_plugin = $plugin_manager->createInstance('some-other-id', []);
* Alter the form config array after it has been generated.
* @param array $form_config
* An array of data representing the date recurring configuration.
function hook_recurring_events_form_config_array_alter(array &$form_config = []) {
// Remove the first custom date.
* Alter the entity config array after it has been generated.
* @param array $entity_config
* An array of data representing the date recurring configuration.
function hook_recurring_events_entity_config_array_alter(array &$entity_config = []) {
// Remove the first custom date.
* Alter the diff array after it has been generated.
* @param array $diff
* An array of differences between the stored and updated event date config.
function hook_recurring_events_diff_array_alter(array &$diff = []) {
// Do not show differences in custom dates.

Owen Bush
* Alter the array of event instances before they get created.
* @var array $event_instances
* The array of event instances to be created.
* @var \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventSeries $event
* The event series being created or updated.

Owen Bush
function hook_recurring_events_event_instances_pre_create_alter(&$event_instances, EventSeries $event) {

Owen Bush
$blacklist_dates = [
// If this date is blacklisted, then do not create an event.
foreach ($event_instances as $key => $instance) {
if (array_search($instance['start_date']->format('Y-m-d'), $blacklist_dates) !== FALSE) {
* Alter the array of recur type fields available when creating a series.
* @var array $fields
* The array of recur type fields available.
function hook_recurring_events_recur_field_types(&$fields) {
// Do not allow weekly events.

* Alter the array of instances to be deleted when updating an event.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventInstance[] $instances
* The instances.
function hook_recurring_events_save_pre_instances_deletion_alter(array &$instances):void {

$is_published = $instance->get('status')->value;

* Execute custom code before event instances are deleted.
* When an eventseries is updated and has date recurring configuration changes
* the EventCreationService will delete all the instances that existed before
* and recreate them. This hook allows you to execute code prior to the deletion
* of those instances.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventSeries $event_series
* The eventseries being altered.

Owen Bush
function hook_recurring_events_save_pre_instances_deletion(EventSeries $event_series) {
* Execute custom code after event instances are deleted.
* When an eventseries is updated and has date recurring configuration changes
* the EventCreationService will delete all the instances that existed before
* and recreate them. This hook allows you to execute code after the deletion
* of those instances.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventSeries $event_series
* The eventseries being altered.

Owen Bush
function hook_recurring_events_save_post_instances_deletion(EventSeries $event_series) {
* Execute custom code before a specific event instance is deleted.
* When an eventseries is updated and has date recurring configuration changes
* the EventCreationService will delete all the instances that existed before
* and recreate them. This hook allows you to execute code prior to the deletion
* of each instance.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventSeries $event_series
* The eventseries being altered.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventInstance $event_instance
* The event instance being deleted.
function hook_recurring_events_save_pre_instance_deletion(EventSeries $event_series, EventInstance $event_instance) {
* Execute custom code after a specific event instance is deleted.
* When an eventseries is updated and has date recurring configuration changes
* the EventCreationService will delete all the instances that existed before
* and recreate them. This hook allows you to execute code after the deletion
* of each instance.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventSeries $event_series
* The eventseries being altered.
* @param \Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventInstance $event_instance
* The event instance being deleted.
function hook_recurring_events_save_post_instance_deletion(EventSeries $event_series, EventInstance $event_instance) {
* Execute custom code before all instances are deleted.
* This hook differs to @see hook_recurring_events_save_pre_instances_deletion
* in that this hook fires before deleting instances by deleting the series
* rather than as a result of changing series date configuration.
function hook_recurring_events_pre_delete_instances(EventSeries $event_series) {
* Execute custom code after all instances are deleted.
* This hook differs to @see hook_recurring_events_save_post_instances_deletion
* in that this hook fires after deleting instances by deleting the series
* rather than as a result of changing series date configuration.
function hook_recurring_events_post_delete_instances(EventSeries $event_series) {
* Execute custom code before an instance is deleted.
* This hook differs to @see hook_recurring_events_save_pre_instance_deletion
* in that this hook fires before deleting an instance directly from the
* instance rather than as a result of changing series date configuration.
function hook_recurring_events_pre_delete_instance(EventInstance $event_instance) {
* Execute custom code after an instance is deleted.
* This hook differs to @see hook_recurring_events_save_post_instance_deletion
* in that this hook fires after deleting an instance directly from the
* instance rather than as a result of changing series date configuration.
function hook_recurring_events_post_delete_instance(EventInstance $event_instance) {