Issue 3488839: News listings/Views page is broken
The views grid template is old. Removing it should fix the issue.
Merge request reports
This is what is being overridden
`{# /**
- @file views-bootstrap-grid.html.twig
- Default simple view template to display Bootstrap Grids.
- columns: Contains rows grouped by columns.
- rows: Contains a nested array of rows. Each row contains an array of
- columns.
- column_type: Contains a number (default Bootstrap grid system column type).
- @ingroup views_templates */ #} {% set classes = [ 'views-view-grid', 'row' ] %} {% if title %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}{% for row in rows %}`{ row.content }{% endfor %}so from what I can tell, we were removing the "row" from the list of classes, and than added a hard coded div "
"Looks like it was added a year ago when i was merging in some of the meridian things into the core provus.
Edited by Aaron Armstrong
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