Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: short_alias, redirect
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/short_alias/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/redirect/
Removing modules/contrib/short_alias/
Removing upgrade_status/
Removing vendor/dflydev/base32-crockford/
Done analyzing short_alias
Analyze smashing_invoice
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/smashing_invoice/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/smashing_invoice/
Done analyzing smashing_invoice
Analyze healthchecker
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/healthchecker/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/healthchecker/
Done analyzing healthchecker
Analyze ai_interpolator_promptperfect
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: ai_interpolator_promptperfect, ai_interpolator
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ai_interpolator_promptperfect/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ai_interpolator/
Removing modules/contrib/ai_interpolator_promptperfect/
Done analyzing ai_interpolator_promptperfect
Analyze greeting_cards
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/PinnedDevDependencies/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: greeting_cards, entity_reference_revisions
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/greeting_cards/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/entity_reference_revisions/
Removing modules/contrib/greeting_cards/
Removing vendor/mpdf/
Removing vendor/paragonie/
Removing vendor/setasign/
Done analyzing greeting_cards
Analyze theme_region_wrapper
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/theme_region_wrapper/
Done analyzing theme_region_wrapper
Analyze hovercss
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/hovercss/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/hovercss/
Removing upgrade_status/
Done analyzing hovercss
Analyze invoice_to_client
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/invoice_to_client/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/invoice_to_client/
Done analyzing invoice_to_client
Analyze hayya_zymphonies_theme
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/themes/contrib/hayya_zymphonies_theme/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing themes/contrib/
Done analyzing hayya_zymphonies_theme
Analyze g_translate
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/g_translate/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/g_translate/
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: dab, sdc, serialization
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/dab/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/dab/
Removing vendor/league/commonmark/
Removing vendor/league/config/
Removing vendor/nette/
Done analyzing dab
Analyze a11y_tableau
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/a11y_tableau/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/a11y_tableau/
Done analyzing a11y_tableau
Analyze entity_reference_modal
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/entity_reference_modal/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/entity_reference_modal/
Done analyzing entity_reference_modal
Analyze ckeditor5_colgroup
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ckeditor5_colgroup/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ckeditor5_colgroup/
Done analyzing ckeditor5_colgroup
Analyze service
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/service/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/service/
Done analyzing service
Analyze token_eca_alter
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/PinnedDevDependencies/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: token_eca_alter, eca, eca_tamper, tamper
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/token_eca_alter/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/eca/
Removing modules/contrib/eca_tamper/
Removing modules/contrib/tamper/
Removing modules/contrib/token_eca_alter/
Removing vendor/dragonmantank/
Removing vendor/mtownsend/
Done analyzing token_eca_alter
Analyze salesforce_status
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: salesforce_status, salesforce
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/address/
Removing modules/contrib/dynamic_entity_reference/
Removing modules/contrib/key/
Removing modules/contrib/salesforce/
Removing modules/contrib/salesforce_status/
Removing modules/contrib/typed_data/
Removing vendor/commerceguys/
Removing vendor/doctrine/collections/
Removing vendor/firebase/
Removing vendor/lusitanian/
Removing vendor/messageagency/
Done analyzing salesforce_status
Analyze ckeditor5_select_all
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ckeditor5_select_all/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ckeditor5_select_all/
Done analyzing ckeditor5_select_all
Analyze feeds_http_key_fetcher
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/feeds_http_key_fetcher/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/feeds_http_key_fetcher/
Removing upgrade_status/
Done analyzing feeds_http_key_fetcher
Analyze gamify
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/PinnedDevDependencies/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: gamify, userpoints, eca
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/gamify/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/eca/
Removing modules/contrib/gamify/
Removing vendor/dragonmantank/
Removing vendor/mtownsend/
Done analyzing gamify
Analyze ckeditor5_page_break
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ckeditor5_page_break/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ckeditor5_page_break/
Done analyzing ckeditor5_page_break
Analyze ai_interpolator_deepgram
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: ai_interpolator_deepgram, ai_interpolator
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ai_interpolator_deepgram/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ai_interpolator/
Removing modules/contrib/ai_interpolator_deepgram/
Done analyzing ai_interpolator_deepgram
Analyze ckeditor5_horizontal_line
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ckeditor5_horizontal_line/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ckeditor5_horizontal_line/
Done analyzing ckeditor5_horizontal_line
Analyze sixsense
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: sixsense, key
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/sixsense/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/key/
Removing modules/contrib/sixsense/
Done analyzing sixsense
Analyze entity_id_manager
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/entity_id_manager/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/entity_id_manager/
Done analyzing entity_id_manager
Analyze migrate_wizard
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: migrate_wizard, migrate, migrate_plus
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/migrate_wizard/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/migrate_plus/
Removing modules/contrib/migrate_wizard/
Done analyzing migrate_wizard
Analyze importmaps
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/importmaps/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing importmaps
Analyze multi_purpose
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/themes/contrib/multi_purpose/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing multi_purpose
Analyze smart_content_a_b_ssr
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: smart_content_a_b_ssr, smart_content, smart_content_ssr
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/smart_content_a_b_ssr/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/smart_content/
Removing modules/contrib/smart_content_a_b_ssr/
Removing modules/contrib/smart_content_ssr/
Done analyzing smart_content_a_b_ssr
Analyze ckeditor5_show_blocks
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ckeditor5_show_blocks/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ckeditor5_show_blocks/
Done analyzing ckeditor5_show_blocks
Analyze ui_suite_uswds
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/themes/contrib/ui_suite_uswds/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/layout_options/
Removing modules/contrib/token/
Removing modules/contrib/ui_patterns/
Removing modules/contrib/ui_patterns_settings/
Removing modules/contrib/ui_styles/
Removing themes/contrib/
Done analyzing ui_suite_uswds
Analyze deactivate_users
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/deactivate_users/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/deactivate_users/
Done analyzing deactivate_users
Analyze feeds_files_by_media
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: feeds_files_by_media, feeds
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/feeds_files_by_media/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/feeds/
Removing modules/contrib/feeds_files_by_media/
Removing vendor/laminas/
Done analyzing feeds_files_by_media
Analyze ai_interpolator_screenshot
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: ai_interpolator_screenshot, ai_interpolator
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ai_interpolator_screenshot/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ai_interpolator/
Removing modules/contrib/ai_interpolator_screenshot/
Removing vendor/screenshotone/
Done analyzing ai_interpolator_screenshot
Analyze active_campaign_api_integration
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/active_campaign_api_integration/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/active_campaign_api_integration/
Done analyzing active_campaign_api_integration
Analyze views_current_url
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/views_current_url/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/views_current_url/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/views_current_url/
Done analyzing views_current_url
Analyze sdc_block
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: sdc_block, cl_editorial, serialization, sdc_tags
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/sdc_block/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/cl_editorial/
Removing modules/contrib/sdc_block/
Removing vendor/e0ipso/
Done analyzing sdc_block
Analyze nodejs_translate
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: nodejs_translate, language
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/nodejs_translate/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/nodejs_translate/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing libraries/
Removing modules/contrib/nodejs_translate/
Done analyzing nodejs_translate
Analyze jass
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/themes/contrib/jass/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing themes/contrib/
Done analyzing jass
Analyze acquia_6sense
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/acquia_6sense/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/acquia_6sense/
Done analyzing acquia_6sense
Analyze devel_tomsaw
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/devel_tomsaw/.git/
HEAD is now at 86066b8fc3 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/devel_tomsaw/
Done analyzing devel_tomsaw
Analyze media_power_bi