Removing modules/contrib/xnttfiles/
Removing modules/contrib/xnttyaml/
Removing vendor/galbar/
Done analyzing xnttyaml
Analyze sitewide_alerts
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: sitewide_alerts, content_translation, language, media, color_field, field_group, key, link_attributes, maxlength, weight
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/sitewide_alerts/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/admin_audit_trail/
Removing modules/contrib/color_field/
Removing modules/contrib/field_group/
Removing modules/contrib/key/
Removing modules/contrib/link_attributes/
Removing modules/contrib/maxlength/
Removing modules/contrib/sitewide_alerts/
Removing modules/contrib/weight/
Removing sites/default/files/media-icons/
Removing vendor/abraham/
Done analyzing sitewide_alerts
Analyze xnttxml
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: xnttxml, external_entities, xnttfiles
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/xnttxml/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/external_entities/
Removing modules/contrib/xnttfiles/
Removing modules/contrib/xnttxml/
Removing vendor/galbar/
Done analyzing xnttxml
Analyze cloudflare_node_cc
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing cloudflare_node_cc
Analyze manage_state
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/manage_state/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/manage_state/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/manage_state/
Done analyzing manage_state
Analyze microsoft_clarity
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/microsoft_clarity/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/microsoft_clarity/
Done analyzing microsoft_clarity
Analyze xnttmanager
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: xnttmanager, external_entities
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/xnttmanager/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/external_entities/
Removing modules/contrib/xnttmanager/
Removing vendor/galbar/
Done analyzing xnttmanager
Analyze layout_paragraphs_toggle_publish
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: layout_paragraphs_toggle_publish, paragraphs, entity_reference_revisions, layout_paragraphs, layout_discovery
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/layout_paragraphs_toggle_publish/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/entity_reference_revisions/
Removing modules/contrib/layout_paragraphs/
Removing modules/contrib/layout_paragraphs_toggle_publish/
Removing modules/contrib/paragraphs/
Done analyzing layout_paragraphs_toggle_publish
Analyze decoupled_toolbox
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/decoupled_toolbox/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/decoupled_toolbox/
Done analyzing decoupled_toolbox
Analyze switch_theme
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/switch_theme/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/switch_theme/
Done analyzing switch_theme
Analyze xnttexif
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/xnttexif-xnttexif/
Done analyzing xnttexif
Analyze pelcro_auth
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing pelcro_auth
Analyze simple_oauth_revoke
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing simple_oauth_revoke
Analyze geodeny
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: geodeny, ip2country
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/geodeny/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/geodeny/
Removing modules/contrib/ip2country/
Done analyzing geodeny
Analyze commerce_tax_conditions
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: commerce_tax_conditions, commerce_tax, commerce, address, entity, inline_entity_form, token, commerce_price, commerce_order, commerce_store, commerce_number_pattern, entity_reference_revisions, profile, state_machine
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/commerce_tax_conditions/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/address/
Removing modules/contrib/commerce/
Removing modules/contrib/commerce_tax_conditions/
Removing modules/contrib/entity/
Removing modules/contrib/entity_reference_revisions/
Removing modules/contrib/inline_entity_form/
Removing modules/contrib/profile/
Removing modules/contrib/state_machine/
Removing modules/contrib/token/
Removing vendor/commerceguys/
Removing vendor/doctrine/collections/
Removing vendor/drupal/rat/
Done analyzing commerce_tax_conditions
Analyze veracity_vql
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/veracity_vql/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing veracity_vql
Analyze nomarkup
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/nomarkup/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/nomarkup/
Done analyzing nomarkup
Analyze triples_field
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/triples_field/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/triples_field/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/triples_field/
Done analyzing triples_field
Analyze sam
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/sam/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/sam/
Done analyzing sam
Analyze redirect_anonymous_users
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/redirect_anonymous_users/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/redirect_anonymous_users/
Done analyzing redirect_anonymous_users
Analyze markdownifier
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/markdownifier/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/markdownifier/
Removing vendor/pixel418/
Done analyzing markdownifier
Analyze entity_print_browserless_pdf
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: entity_print_browserless_pdf, entity_print
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/entity_print_browserless_pdf/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/entity_print/
Removing modules/contrib/entity_print_browserless_pdf/
Removing vendor/dompdf/
Removing vendor/phenx/
Removing vendor/sabberworm/
Done analyzing entity_print_browserless_pdf
Analyze commerce_postfinance_checkout
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: commerce_postfinance_checkout, commerce_payment, commerce, address, entity, inline_entity_form, token, commerce_order, commerce_price, commerce_store, commerce_number_pattern, entity_reference_revisions, profile, state_machine
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/commerce_postfinance_checkout/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/address/
Removing modules/contrib/commerce/
Removing modules/contrib/commerce_postfinance_checkout/
Removing modules/contrib/entity/
Removing modules/contrib/entity_reference_revisions/
Removing modules/contrib/inline_entity_form/
Removing modules/contrib/profile/
Removing modules/contrib/state_machine/
Removing modules/contrib/token/
Removing vendor/commerceguys/
Removing vendor/doctrine/collections/
Removing vendor/drupal/rat/
Removing vendor/postfinancecheckout/
Done analyzing commerce_postfinance_checkout
Analyze sitestudio_extras
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: sitestudio_extras, jquery_ui_autocomplete, jquery_ui, jquery_ui_menu
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui_autocomplete/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui_menu/
Removing modules/contrib/sitestudio_extras/
Done analyzing sitestudio_extras
Analyze schemadotorg
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: schemadotorg, telephone
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/schemadotorg/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/schemadotorg/
Done analyzing schemadotorg
Analyze field_formatter_pattern
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/field_formatter_pattern/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/field_formatter_pattern/
Done analyzing field_formatter_pattern
Analyze webform_simplify
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: webform_simplify, webform
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/webform_simplify/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/webform/
Removing modules/contrib/webform_simplify/
Done analyzing webform_simplify
Analyze node_co_authors
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/node_co_authors/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/node_co_authors/
Removing upgrade_status/
Done analyzing node_co_authors
Analyze haynespro
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: haynespro, key
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/haynespro/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/haynespro/
Removing modules/contrib/key/
Done analyzing haynespro
Analyze geocode_earth_autocomplete
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing geocode_earth_autocomplete
Analyze menu_save_add_another
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/menu_save_add_another/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/menu_save_add_another/
Done analyzing menu_save_add_another
Analyze feeds_fetcher_post
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: feeds_fetcher_post, feeds
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/feeds_fetcher_post/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/feeds/
Removing modules/contrib/feeds_fetcher_post/
Removing vendor/laminas/
Done analyzing feeds_fetcher_post
Analyze mapbox_block
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
// The module install requirements failed. Do you wish to continue?: yes.
The following module(s) will be enabled: mapbox_block, key
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/mapbox_block/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/mapbox_block/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/key/
Removing modules/contrib/mapbox_block/
Done analyzing mapbox_block
Analyze ckeditor_breaktag
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: ckeditor_breaktag, ckeditor
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ckeditor_breaktag/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ckeditor/
Removing modules/contrib/ckeditor_breaktag/
Done analyzing ckeditor_breaktag
Analyze views_hooks_extras
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/views_hooks_extras/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/views_hooks_extras/
Done analyzing views_hooks_extras
Analyze kryton
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/themes/contrib/kryton/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing kryton
Analyze json_api_book
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: json_api_book, book, jsonapi, serialization
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/json_api_book/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing json_api_book
Analyze fullcalendar_block
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/fullcalendar_block/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/fullcalendar_block/
Done analyzing fullcalendar_block
Analyze views_auto_refresh
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/views_auto_refresh/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/views_auto_refresh/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/views_auto_refresh/
Done analyzing views_auto_refresh
Analyze twilio_flex
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/twilio_flex/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/twilio_flex/
Done analyzing twilio_flex
Analyze save_all_nodes
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: save_all_nodes, pathauto, token
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/save_all_nodes/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/ctools/
Removing modules/contrib/pathauto/
Removing modules/contrib/save_all_nodes/
Done analyzing save_all_nodes
Analyze ckeditor5_font
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ckeditor5_font/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ckeditor5_font/
Done analyzing ckeditor5_font
Analyze violinist_teams
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/violinist_teams/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/violinist_teams/
Done analyzing violinist_teams
Analyze standwithukraine
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
path.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no) [yes]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: standwithukraine, service
// Do you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/standwithukraine/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ca91eb39a Don't prefer stable here