Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: jquery_ui_tooltip, jquery_ui
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/jquery_ui_tooltip/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui/
Done analyzing jquery_ui_tooltip
Analyze jquery_ui_slider
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: jquery_ui_slider, jquery_ui
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/jquery_ui_slider/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui/
Done analyzing jquery_ui_slider
Analyze jquery_ui_spinner
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: jquery_ui_spinner, jquery_ui, jquery_ui_button, jquery_ui_controlgroup, jquery_ui_checkboxradio
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/jquery_ui_spinner/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui_button/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui_checkboxradio/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui_controlgroup/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui_spinner/
Done analyzing jquery_ui_spinner
Analyze jquery_ui_selectmenu
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: jquery_ui_selectmenu, jquery_ui, jquery_ui_menu
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/jquery_ui_selectmenu/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui_menu/
Removing modules/contrib/jquery_ui_selectmenu/
Done analyzing jquery_ui_selectmenu
Analyze paragon_themekit
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/themes/contrib/paragon_themekit/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing paragon_themekit
Analyze pub_options
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/pub_options/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/pub_options/
Done analyzing pub_options
Analyze group_bulk_operations
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: group_bulk_operations, group, entity, flexible_permissions, variationcache
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/group_bulk_operations/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/entity/
Removing modules/contrib/flexible_permissions/
Removing modules/contrib/group/
Removing modules/contrib/group_bulk_operations/
Removing modules/contrib/variationcache/
Done analyzing group_bulk_operations
Analyze layout_section_classes
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: layout_section_classes, layout_discovery
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/layout_section_classes/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/layout_section_classes/
Done analyzing layout_section_classes
Analyze block_form_alter
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/block_form_alter/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/block_form_alter/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/block_form_alter/
Done analyzing block_form_alter
Analyze paragraph_view_mode
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: paragraph_view_mode, paragraphs, entity_reference_revisions
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/paragraph_view_mode/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/paragraph_view_mode/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/entity_reference_revisions/
Removing modules/contrib/paragraph_view_mode/
Removing modules/contrib/paragraphs/
Done analyzing paragraph_view_mode
Analyze webform_deter
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: webform_deter, webform
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/webform_deter/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/webform/
Removing modules/contrib/webform_deter/
Done analyzing webform_deter
Analyze webform_translation_permissions
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: webform_translation_permissions, config_translation, locale, language, webform
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/webform_translation_permissions/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/webform_translation_permissions/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/webform/
Removing modules/contrib/webform_translation_permissions/
Removing sites/default/files/translations/
Done analyzing webform_translation_permissions
Analyze paragraphs_selection
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: paragraphs_selection, paragraphs, entity_reference_revisions
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/entity_reference_revisions/
Removing modules/contrib/paragraphs/
Removing modules/contrib/paragraphs_selection/
Done analyzing paragraphs_selection
Analyze amplitude
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: amplitude, token
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/amplitude/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/amplitude/
Removing modules/contrib/token/
Done analyzing amplitude
Analyze pagecss
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/pagecss/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/pagecss/
Removing upgrade_status/
Done analyzing pagecss
Analyze ik_constant_contact
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/ik_constant_contact/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/ik_constant_contact/
Done analyzing ik_constant_contact
Analyze oauth_login_oauth2
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/oauth_login_oauth2/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/oauth_login_oauth2/
Done analyzing oauth_login_oauth2
Analyze testmode
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/testmode/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/testmode/
Done analyzing testmode
Analyze password_policy_pwned
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: password_policy_pwned, password_policy
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/password_policy_pwned/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/password_policy/
Removing modules/contrib/password_policy_pwned/
Done analyzing password_policy_pwned
Analyze filter_tooltips
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/filter_tooltips/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing filter_tooltips
Analyze great_zymphonies_theme
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/themes/contrib/great_zymphonies_theme/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing great_zymphonies_theme
Analyze colonel
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/themes/contrib/colonel/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing colonel
Analyze fb_filter
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/fb_filter/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/fb_filter/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/views_birthday/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/views_birthday/
Done analyzing views_birthday
Analyze webform_submissions_delete
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: webform_submissions_delete, webform
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/webform_submissions_delete/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/webform/
Removing modules/contrib/webform_submissions_delete/
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/bsn_field/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/bsn_field/
Removing upgrade_status/
Done analyzing bsn_field
Analyze setcookie
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/setcookie/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing setcookie
Analyze tidy_html
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/tidy_html/.git/
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/tidy_html/.git/
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing tidy_html
Analyze d3_tagcloud
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/d3_tagcloud/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing d3_tagcloud
Analyze field_inheritance
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/field_inheritance/.git/
On branch 2.0.x
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/2.0.x'.
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/field_inheritance/
Done analyzing field_inheritance
Analyze commerce_single_store_cart
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: commerce_single_store_cart, commerce, address, entity, inline_entity_form, token
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Error: Call to a member function setFormClass() on null in commerce_single_store_cart_entity_type_build() (line 14 of /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/commerce_single_store_cart/commerce_single_store_cart.module).
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/commerce_single_store_cart/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/address/
Removing modules/contrib/commerce/
Removing modules/contrib/commerce_single_store_cart/
Removing modules/contrib/entity/
Removing modules/contrib/entity_reference_revisions/
Removing modules/contrib/inline_entity_form/
Removing modules/contrib/profile/
Removing modules/contrib/state_machine/
Removing modules/contrib/token/
Removing vendor/commerceguys/
Removing vendor/doctrine/collections/
Done analyzing commerce_single_store_cart
Analyze computed_field_plugin
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/computed_field_plugin/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/computed_field_plugin/
Done analyzing computed_field_plugin
Analyze jsonapi_cross_bundles
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: jsonapi_cross_bundles, jsonapi, serialization
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/jsonapi_cross_bundles/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/jsonapi_cross_bundles/
Analyze mapbox_ui
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/mapbox_ui/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/mapbox_ui/
Removing upgrade_status/
Done analyzing mapbox_ui
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/gcal_entity/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing cache/
Removing modules/contrib/gcal_entity/
Removing vendor/firebase/
Removing vendor/google/apiclient-services/
Removing vendor/google/apiclient/
Removing vendor/google/auth/
Removing vendor/monolog/
Removing vendor/paragonie/
Removing vendor/phpseclib/
Done analyzing gcal_entity
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/file_field_replace/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/file_field_replace/
Done analyzing file_field_replace
Analyze varbase_layout_builder
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing varbase_layout_builder
Analyze o365
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: o365, oauth2_client, externalauth
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/o365/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/externalauth/
Removing modules/contrib/o365/
Removing modules/contrib/oauth2_client/
Removing vendor/league/oauth2-client/
Removing vendor/microsoft/
Removing vendor/paragonie/
Removing vendor/xantios/
Done analyzing o365
Analyze cssvars
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing cssvars
Analyze jsonapi_permission
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> The following module(s) will be enabled: jsonapi_permission, jsonapi, serialization
[39;49m // [39;49mDo you want to continue?: yes.
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/jsonapi_permission/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Removing modules/contrib/jsonapi_permission/
Done analyzing jsonapi_permission
Analyze helloworld
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches from patch file.
No patches supplied.
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
phpstan/extension-installer: Extensions installed
> composer/composer: installed
> mglaman/phpstan-drupal: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: installed
> phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: installed
Updated metapackage file composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended/composer.json.
If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included.
[32mpath.temporary key does not exist in system.file config. Do you want to create a new config key? (yes/no)[39m [[33myes[39m]:
> Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/project/project_analysis/drupalci/workspace/drupal-checkouts/drupalxxx/modules/contrib/helloworld/.git/
HEAD is now at 8ac77b7473 Don't prefer stable here
Done analyzing helloworld
Analyze commerce_reactions