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Commit e1b5c66c authored by Rodrigo Panchiniak Fernandes's avatar Rodrigo Panchiniak Fernandes
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Fixed switching of multiple submit IDs.

parent 2c6bd020
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* @file
* Protected Content dialog .
* @todo: we must apply this proc-decrypt-dialog library as a gate to all decrypt calls, or change its name to something
* less generic as proc-decrypt-dialog-default-format.
(function($, Drupal, once, drupalSettings, window) {
Drupal.behaviors.ProcDecryptDialogBehavior = {
* @file
* Helper for entity reference proc field.
* @todo: we must apply this proc-field library as a gate to all dialog calls, or change its name to something less
* generic.
(function($, Drupal, drupalSettings, once) {
Drupal.behaviors.ProcBehavior = {
'attach': (context, settings) => {
attach(context, settings) {
once('proc-decrypt', 'html', context).forEach(function(element) {
const procFieldElements = document.querySelectorAll('[proc="true"]');
const procFields = [];
......@@ -22,68 +20,87 @@
if (drupalSettings.proc && drupalSettings.proc.submit_element_id) {
const isMultipleSubmits = (',') > -1);
const submitIdsCsv = drupalSettings.proc.submit_element_id.replace(/ /g, '');
const submitIds = submitIdsCsv.split(',');
let submitElements = [];, submitIndex) => {
if (isMultipleSubmits) {
const submitIds = drupalSettings.proc.submit_element_id.split(',');
submitIds.forEach((submitIdValue) =>{
Drupal.behaviors.ProcBehavior.processSubmitButton(submitIdValue.trim(), procFields);
else {
const submitId = drupalSettings.proc.submit_element_id.trim();
Drupal.behaviors.ProcBehavior.processSubmitButton(submitId, procFields);
'processSubmitButton': (submit_element_id, procFields) => {
let submitElement = document.getElementById(submit_element_id);, fieldIndex) => {
let input = document.querySelector(`[name^="${fieldName}"]`);
input.addEventListener("input", updateValue);, fieldIndex) => {
var field = document.querySelector(`[name^="${fieldName}"]`);
field.oninput = () => {
if (submitElement.disabled === false && field.value != '') {
// Disable submit when something is typed in for encryption:
submitElement.disabled = true;
if (submitElement.disabled === true && field.value === '') {
submitElement.disabled = false;
var encryptCheckbox = document.querySelector(`[id="encrypt-checkbox-${fieldName}"]`);
function updateValue(e) {
if ( == '') {
// If current field is empty and all other fields are empty:
let empty = 1;, innerFieldIndex) => {
let innerInput = document.querySelector(`[name^="${innerFieldName}"]`);
// Check if encryption checkbox is checked.
let innerCheckbox = document.querySelector(`[id="encrypt-checkbox-${innerFieldName}"]`);
if (innerInput.value != '' && !innerCheckbox.checked) {
empty = 0;
if (empty == 1) {
// Enable submit when all fields are empty:, submitIndex) => {
submitElement.disabled = false;
if (encryptCheckbox) {
encryptCheckbox.oninput = () => {
if (
encryptCheckbox.value === '1' &&
submitElement.disabled === true
) {
// If for all other fields there is no plain text:
let index = 0;, fieldIndex) => {
if (
.value.startsWith('******* (')
) {
const field = document.querySelector(`[name^="${fieldName}"]`);
field.oninput = () => {, submitIndex) => {
if (submitElement.disabled === false && field.value != '') {
// Disable submit when something is typed in for encryption:
submitElement.disabled = true;
if (index === 1) {
submitElement.disabled = false;
const encryptCheckbox = document.querySelector(
if (encryptCheckbox) {
encryptCheckbox.addEventListener("input", updateCheckboxValue);
function updateCheckboxValue(checkBoxEvent) {
if ( {
// If for all other checkboxes are also checked:
let checked = 1;, innerFieldIndex) => {
let innerCheckbox = document.querySelector(`[id="encrypt-checkbox-${innerFieldName}"]`);
if (!innerCheckbox.checked) {
let innerInput = document.querySelector(`[name^="${innerFieldName}"]`);
checked = 0;
if (innerInput.value == '') {
checked = 1;
if (checked == 1) {
// Enable submit when all checkboxes are checked:, submitIndex) => {
submitElement.disabled = false;
else {, submitIndex) => {
if (submitElement.disabled === false) {
submitElement.disabled = true;
if (
encryptCheckbox.value === '0' &&
submitElement.disabled === false
) {
submitElement.disabled = true;
})(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings, once);
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