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Commit a94789b7 authored by Daniel Kudwien's avatar Daniel Kudwien
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- #1291750 by sun: Updated for new PHPMailer 5.2.5. Requires library update.

parent 4fe984ac
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......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:
* Libraries API module
* PHPMailer for PHP5/6
* PHPMailer library
......@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ Optional:
1. Download PHPMailer for PHP5/6 from
1. Download PHPMailer from
and extract the following files to the phpmailer subdirectory of your
libraries directory:
......@@ -147,13 +147,19 @@ class DrupalPHPMailer extends PHPMailer implements MailSystemInterface {
* Destructor.
* Overrides PHPMailer::__destruct().
public function __destruct() {
// Be nice and close the connection when using SMTP keep-alive.
if ($this->SMTPKeepAlive) {
// Disable debug output if SMTP keep-alive is enabled.
// PHP is most likely shutting down altogether (this class is instantiated
// as a static singleton). Since logging facilities (e.g., database
// connection) quite potentially have been shut down already, simply turn
// off SMTP debugging. Without this override, debug output would be printed
// on the screen and CLI output.
if ($this->SMTPKeepAlive && isset($this->smtp->do_debug)) {
$this->smtp->do_debug = 0;
......@@ -162,47 +168,32 @@ class DrupalPHPMailer extends PHPMailer implements MailSystemInterface {
* Note: messages should not end with a dot.
public function SetLanguage($langcode = 'en', $lang_path = 'language/') {
// Retrieve English defaults to ensure all message keys are set.
// Overload with Drupal translations.
$this->language = array(
'provide_address' => t('You must provide at least one recipient e-mail address'),
'encoding' => t('Unknown encoding: '),
'file_open' => t('Could not open file: '),
'signing' => t('Signing error: '),
'empty_message' => t('Message body empty'),
'tls' => t('SMTP error: STARTTLS not accepted from server'),
'authenticate' => t('SMTP error: could not authenticate'),
'smtp_connect_failed' => t('SMTP error: could not connect to SMTP host'),
'connect_host' => t('SMTP error: could not connect to SMTP host'),
'from_failed' => t('The following sender address failed: '), // non-admin
'recipients_failed' => t('The following recipient addresses failed: '), // non-admin
'data_not_accepted' => t('SMTP error: data not accepted'),
'authenticate' => t('SMTP error: Could not authenticate.'),
'connect_host' => t('SMTP error: Could not connect to host.'),
'data_not_accepted' => t('SMTP error: Data not accepted.'),
'smtp_connect_failed' => t('SMTP error: Could not connect to SMTP host.'),
'smtp_error' => t('SMTP server error: '),
// Unused messages.
//'execute' => t('Could not execute: '),
//'instantiate' => t('Could not instantiate mail() function.'),
// Messages used during email generation.
'file_access' => t('Could not access file: '),
'invalid_address' => t('Invalid address'),
'empty_message' => t('Message body empty'),
'encoding' => t('Unknown encoding: '),
'variable_set' => t('Cannot set or reset variable: '),
return TRUE;
* Assemble the message header.
* PHPMailer always sets Return-Path to Sender, we want more flexibility.
public function CreateHeader() {
$old_sender = $this->Sender;
if ($this->ReturnPath != '') {
$this->Sender = $this->ReturnPath;
$result = parent::CreateHeader();
// Restore sender for use in MAIL FROM command.
$this->Sender = $old_sender;
return $result;
'file_access' => t('File error: Could not access file: '),
'file_open' => t('File error: Could not open file: '),
// Non-administrative messages.
'from_failed' => t('The following From address failed: '),
'invalid_address' => t('Invalid address'),
'provide_address' => t('You must provide at least one recipient e-mail address.'),
'recipients_failed' => t('The following recipients failed: '),
) + $this->language;
return TRUE;
......@@ -323,8 +314,6 @@ class DrupalPHPMailer extends PHPMailer implements MailSystemInterface {
'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'Encoding',
'Sender' => 'Sender',
'Message-ID' => 'MessageID',
// Custom property.
// @see DrupalPHPMailer::CreateHeader()
'Return-Path' => 'ReturnPath',
foreach ($properties as $source => $property) {
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function phpmailer_requirements($phase) {
'value' => $t('Missing'),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => $t('Please download <a href="@url">PHPMailer for PHP5/6</a>, extract the archive and copy the contents to the following location:<br /><code>@path</code>. Make sure the main file, class.phpmailer.php, is located at<br /><code>@class</code>.', array(
'@url' => '',
'@url' => '',
'@path' => $path,
'@class' => $path . '/class.phpmailer.php',
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