# Drupal Perimeter Defence
Basic perimeter defence for a Drupal site. This module bans the IPs who send
suspicious requests to the site. The concept is: If you have no business here,
go away.
Use the Perimeter module if you get a lot of requests to `wp-admin` or to
`.aspx` urls on a Linux server, or other similar requests.
The module is optimized for performance and designed to be activated when
a Drupal site is targeted by hackers or bots.
For a full description of the module, visit the
[project page](
Submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or track changes in the
[issue queue](
## Table of contents
- Requirements
- Installation
- Configuration
- Maintainers
## Requirements
This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core.
## Installation
Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see [Installing Drupal Modules](
## Configuration
Install the module and check your site logs after a while.
Use the Drupal core Ban module to manage banned IPs.
Note: Before testing this module from your own IP, make sure you can delete
your IP from the `ban_ip` table in your Drupal site's database.
You can add new rules under `/admin/config/system/perimeter` by adding a new
Regular Expression (RegEx) pattern on a separate line.
## FAQ
**Q: I got myself banned while testing, how do I unban my IP?**
**A:** Remove your IP with Drush:
drush sql:query "DELETE FROM ban_ip WHERE ip='YOUR.OWN.IP.ADDR';
## Maintainers
- Al-Ayham Saleh - [alayham](
- Julian Pustkuchen - [Anybody](
- John - [CiviFirst John](
- Jordan Thompson - [nord102](
- Thomas Frobieter - [thomas.frobieter](
- Joshua Sedler - [Grevil](