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Resolve #3369165 "Revisited"

K Widholm requested to merge issue/orange_dam-3369165:3369165-revisited into 1.x

The previously merged resolution for issue #3369165 failed to solve the problem. When using latest 1.x dev, we still see the same issue:

lando drush orange-dam:migration-run --migration=orange_dam_access_restriction_status --limit=1 [notice] Running the Orange DAM - Access Restriction Status migration from queued data. [error] Invalid Orange DAM system identifier "Restricted - Fully". (/app/docroot/modules/contrib/orange_dam/src/OrangeDamContent.php:95)

We do see that the queued item has the appropriate additional properties:

...s:20:"orange_dam_item_type";s:18:"orange_dam_keyword";s:23:"orange_dam_content_type";s:25:"Access Restriction Status";...

This code is setting $item_type to NULL:

$item_type = $event->getRow()->getSourceProperty(

So despite orange_dam_item_type properly having been set to orange_dam_keyword during queuing, getSourceProperty() is not finding it during migration.

Closes #3369165

Edited by K Widholm

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