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  • Jon Pugh's avatar
    Operations 2! · fbf82cfc
    Jon Pugh authored
    MR !6
    This is a major change to the architecture of Operations 1, a new version is warrented.
    - Brand new UI: Site teasers show all information in easy to read display.
    - Create Site Entities from ANY URL. Add or
    - Site Manager homepage: List of site teasers.
    - Views support.
    - Better UX for setting up site.module: Add drupal site, if no SiteAPI is found, instructions appear.
    - Checks HTTP status on all URLs.
    - Extract fields from headers and content where possible, such as PHP Version, Drupal version, Site Title and Host provider.
    - Site Type bundle: Website, Drupal Website, Site Manager.
    - Bundle classes with inheritance: DrupalSiteBundle extends PHPSiteBundle extends SiteBundle.
    - `SiteProperty` plugins can now define the bundle classes they are attached to, making it easy to attach property fields to multiple Site Types.
    - Add Site Manager sites to send data to multiple Site Managers.
    - `SiteEntity` is now for any website.
    - `DrupalSite` entity is now the entity with Drupal Site UUID as ID. `SiteEntity::drupal_site` field is a reference to `DrupalSite` DrupalSite entities get created automatically. DrupalSite entity page shows all sites for that Drupalsite.
    - Removed SiteDefinition config entity.
    - More automated behat tests.
    - New `SiteAction` plugin with first implementation: User Login. Remotely log into a site!
      - SiteActions create a new link in the "Operations" dropdowns, and work locally or remotely. See `SiteActionsBasePlugin`.
    - New Properties:
      - HTTP Status, generated from list of SiteURLs.
      - Site Title, generated from HTML title.
      - Drupal Site Name.
      - Last Cron run.
      - Site Installation time.
      - Site Install profile.
    - FieldFormatter widget for State & Reasons.
    - JSON:API. Site Module now uses JSON:API for posting and getting data. 
    - Added "ox_stock" install profile for basic site manager install.