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Fixed searchapi exception on install

Jim Vomero requested to merge issue/openkj-3218549:8.x-1.x into 8.x-1.x

This work addresses OpenKJ project issue:

This work changes the name of the 'song_index' server from 'localhost' to 'songbook_server'. The original 'localhost' value was either a mistake or a carryover from an earlier set of configuration. The new value is the search_api server id created in '/config/install/search_api.server.songbook_server.yml'.

This work was tested and the exception is no longer thrown. My steps to reproduce:

  1. Install a fresh site drush si standard -y
  2. Enable the module drush en openkj -y
  3. Check the logs to verify there are no errors drush ws

To ensure there are no regressions, I checked the main indexing functionality:

  1. Setup the module as specified in the project README.
  2. Added a venue, artist, song, and request.
  3. Verified that the content was indexed admin/config/search/search-api/index/song_index
  4. Connected the OpenKJ Mac client to the Drupal site and verified requests are coming through.

Merge request reports