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8.x-2.0 - First stable release with Driver, Watchdog and Key-Value.

- Issue #2988770 by fgm: convert legacy D6/7 tests to PHPunit. Drupal Europe.
- Issue #2986785 by fgm: ported all commands to Drush 9 / Console 1.8. Drupal Europe.
- Issue #2984453 by fgm: prepare for Drush 9 / Drupal console. (#48). DDD Lisbon.
- Issue #2984187 by fgm: avoid warnings with invalid request tracking setups. DDD Lisbon.
- Issue #2984132 by fgm: Configure visual coverage reporting (#37).
- Issue #2983391 by fgm: Made tests pass (#34).
- Issue #2982218 by swamy, fgm: README improvements (#33).
- Issue #2892309 by fgm: Watchdog- paging overview without any events caused error (#29).
- Issue #2887938 by fgm: Watchdog - fixed autoload problem in mongodb_watchdog_requirements (#30).
- Issue #2781303 by fgm: Watchdog - updated command to current Drupal console (#36).
- Issue #2769633 by fgm: Key-Value implementation in mongodb_storage, with server-side expiration.
- Issue #2765179 by fgm, nazcange: Watchdog - make CSS naming BEM-compliant. (#25)
- Issue #2763495 by fgm: Watchdog - Reduced duplication in controllers code (#24)
- Issue #2763455 by fgm: Driver - add Travis CI integration for tests. (#23)
- Issue #2762893 by fgm: Driver - Implement test coverage for driver module (#22)
- Issue #2761013 by fgm: Watchdog - implement paging on all pages, order events on details page (#21)
- Issue #2760925 by fgm: Watchdog - make Logger instantiable before config is available.
- Issue #2760825 by fgm,kswamy: converted README documentation to MkDocs.
- Issue #2625240 by fgm, rakesh.gectcr: Driver - Add composer.json to module. (#18)
- DDD Milan: Watchdog - overview controller (#4).
- DDD Milan: Watchdog - reimplement the Top controllers (#6).
- DDD Milan: Watchdog - implement logs deletion (#7).
- DDD Milan: Watchdog - reimplement the Detail controller (#9).
- DDD Milan: Watchdog - D8 configuration with schema (#12, #13).
- DDD Milan: Watchdog - convert to capped collections (#14).
- DDD Milan: Watchdog - supports request tracking (#16).
- DDD Milan: Watchdog - new watchdog_tracker mechanism as a capped collection (#17).
- Support mongodb/mongodb 1.4.0 deprecations.
- Support mongodb/mongodb > 1.2.0, which caused serialization issues.
- Carried changes to unsupported submodules from latest 7.x-1.x.