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Code suggestion for #3261589 fix.

Adam Cornell requested to merge issue/micon-3261589:3261589-micon-icon-names into 2.x

Unrelated to the issue, but in its own commit: Display admin Micon listing with flex.

Multiple icon names fix: Icon data has changed, icons may now have multiple comma delimited name values.

I've updated the code to set the icon name with the first value, then set the remaining values as aliases.

In the admin Icon listing, names are the first row, aliases are the next, displayed as a string of comma delimited values.

Micon's Drush command has been updated to properly generate scss file, with multiple name values.

If there are multiple names, each will generate a scss key:value combination row, with the same hex value. This allows all name/alias values to be used.

Closes #3261589

Edited by Adam Cornell

Merge request reports