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Commit 8155a644 authored by Steven Ayers's avatar Steven Ayers Committed by Jonathan Hedstrom
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Issue #3397821 by bluegeek9: Gitlab CI

parent a94b3671
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2 merge requests!19Draft: Automated Project Update Bot fixes,!12Issue #3397821: Gitlab CI
Pipeline #44142 canceled
# DrupalCI GitLabCI template
# Gitlab-ci.yml to replicate DrupalCI testing for Contrib
# With thanks to:
# * The GitLab Acceleration Initiative participants
# * DrupalSpoons
# Guidelines
# This template is designed to give any Contrib maintainer everything they need to test, without requiring modification. It is also designed to keep up to date with Core Development automatically through the use of include files that can be centrally maintained.
# However, you can modify this template if you have additional needs for your project.
# Includes
# Additional configuration can be provided through includes.
# One advantage of include files is that if they are updated upstream, the changes affect all pipelines using that include.
# Includes can be overridden by re-declaring anything provided in an include, here in gitlab-ci.yml
# DrupalCI includes:
# As long as you include this, any future includes added by the Drupal Association will be accessible to your pipelines automatically.
# View these include files at
- '/includes/include.drupalci.main.yml'
# EXPERIMENTAL: For Drupal 7, remove the above line and uncomment the below.
# - '/includes/include.drupalci.main-d7.yml'
- '/includes/include.drupalci.variables.yml'
- '/includes/include.drupalci.workflows.yml'
# Pipeline configuration variables
# These are the variables provided to the Run Pipeline form that a user may want to override.
# Docs at
# variables:
# *
# /(
# ((((,
# /(((((((
# ((((((((((*
# ,(((((((((((((((
# ,(((((((((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((((((((((((((*
# *(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((*
# *(((((((((((((((((( .((((((((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((((((((. /(((((((((((((((((*
# /((((((((((((((((( .(((((((((((((((((,
# ,(((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((
# .(((((((((((((((((((( .(((((((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((/
# (((((((((((((((((((((((((((/ ,(((((((((((((((*
# .((((((((((((((/ /(((((((((((((. ,(((((((((((((((
# *(((((((((((((( ,(((((((((((((/ *((((((((((((((.
# ((((((((((((((, /(((((((((((((. ((((((((((((((,
# (((((((((((((/ ,(((((((((((((* ,(((((((((((((,
# *((((((((((((( .((((((((((((((( ,(((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((/ /((((((((((((((((((. ,((((((((((((/
# ((((((((((((( *(((((((((((((((((((((((* *((((((((((((
# ((((((((((((( ,(((((((((((((..((((((((((((( *((((((((((((
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language: php
- 5.6
- 7.0
- 7.1
- 7.2
- MODULE_NAME='message_notify'
- MODULE_TEST_GROUP='message_notify'
- DRUPAL_REPO='git://'
# Disable strict deprecation failures but show warnings.
# Run on modern Travis infrastructure.
sudo: false
# Composer.
- sed -i '1i export PATH="$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"' $HOME/.bashrc
- source $HOME/.bashrc
# - composer self-update
# Drush.
- composer global require drush/drush:~8.1
# Codesniffer.
- composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer:$PHPCS_VERSION
# Coder.
- composer global require drupal/coder:$CODER_VERSION
- ln -s ~/.config/composer/vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/Drupal ~/.config/composer/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/Standards/
# Ensure the PHP environment is ready.
- phpenv rehash
# Move the checked out module into the correct structure.
- mkdir /tmp/$MODULE_NAME
- mv * /tmp/$MODULE_NAME/
- git clone --branch $DRUPAL_VERSION $DRUPAL_REPO drupal --depth 1
- cd drupal && composer install && cd -
- test ${DRUPAL_VERSION} -eq 8.5.x || (cd drupal && composer run-script drupal-phpunit-upgrade && cd -)
- mv /tmp/$MODULE_NAME drupal/modules/
- cd drupal
# Install the message module from github
# Use working branch until PRs are merged in main repo.
- cd modules && git clone -b 8.x-1.x && cd -
# This fixes a fail when install Drupal.
- echo 'sendmail_path = /bin/true' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini
# Mysql might time out for long tests, increase the wait timeout.
- mysql -e 'SET @@GLOBAL.wait_timeout=1200'
# Install Drupal and enable the required modules (including this one).
- mysql -e 'create database drupal;'
- cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/drupal && drush --yes site-install testing --db-url="mysql://root@"
- cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/drupal && drush --yes en $MODULE_NAME
- cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/drupal && drush --yes en simpletest
# Start a web server.
- drush runserver &
# Export web server URL for browser tests.
- export SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080
# Export database variable for kernel tests.
- export SIMPLETEST_DB=mysql://root:@
# Run code sniffer.
# Warnings are disabled until the SMS notifier is ported.
- phpcs --report=full --standard=Drupal --warning-severity=0 $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/drupal/modules/$MODULE_NAME
# Run the tests
- vendor/bin/phpunit -c core/phpunit.xml.dist $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/drupal/modules/$MODULE_NAME
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