Implements #3413902 - Mega Refactoring & General Improvements
The following main changes (enchantments, fixes, etc.) are being implemented:
- Implementation of configurations Settings yml file & Schema;
- Implementation of dynamic configurations for Media Types & Fields;
- Implementation of Drupal Queue API, via "Media Library Importer Queue", for properly managing Files imports and Media creation;
- Implementation of MediaLibraryImporterService, and relocation of helper methods into it, including public methods to trigger the generation & processing of Media Import Queue;
- Implementation and documentation of Drush command for triggering Files import and Media creations;
- Adjustment and integration of Documentation, both in hook_help and in the file, with additional instruction (code gist) on how to generate a cron hook/job for automatically process Files import and Media creations;
- Extended and complete PHP & Drupal coding standards fixes and alignments;
@salihcenap please consider adding me (@itamair) as official co-maintainer of the Media Library Importer module.
Edited by Italo Mairo