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Don't forget to run <code>/update.php</code> or <code>drush updatedb</code>.

If <b>lazy-loading</b> was already enabled for the image fields, the display formatter for all image fields will be set to use <code>Lazy-load image</code>, preserving the image style and link settings.

If the image field is set to use a formatter other than <b>Image</b>, it will remain unchanged.

Don't forget to check the display settings for your image fields, and update where necessary after upgrading to 7.x-1.2.

* Issue #2986470: Images not showing in RSS feeds
* Trim white spaces for all string values.
* <code>theme_lazy_image()</code> handles fallback better with added <b>image_style</b> support.

New Features:
* New configuration option to set pages to disable lazy-loading completely. i.e. <code>rss.xml</code>
* Now lazy-loading can be enabled for each field separately via display settings.