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  • Pieter Vogelaar's avatar
    22-11-2008: · bd961cec
    Pieter Vogelaar authored
    * Update dutch translation file
    * Added a solid solution for removing invoices from "node" overview
    * Added support for: Invoice number format, 12345, 2008001, 200806001, etc.
      - It's possible now to prefix invoice number with whatever, for example A2008001.
    * Display invoice comments on the invoice template
    * Display pay limit on the invoice template
    * Added: Global, per template set which fields to display on the invoice: VAT, Unitcost (ex), Unitcost (inc), Total (ex), Total (inc)
    * FIXED BUG: Default template settings seem to don't inherit from general settings
      - Inheriting worked fine, made a small ajustment so it works even smoother now.
      - The main problem was that the preferred locale was not installed on the system. I made that form description more complete now
        and added a list which displays installed locales on the system.
    * Added: Translate file for dutch language
    * FIXED BUG: Functions can never have the same name, also when including just one template (Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _invoice_get_template_output())
    * FIXED BUG: Installer is not correct and must be updated (we're using schema files now)
    * Added and tested invoice_update_1() function, works 100% correct.
    * FIXED BUG: Search on a customer starting with "f" or other sprintf() like characters go wrong