Draft: 3013367: Add missing effects & their migrations
Closes #3013367
Adds the following effects from the D7 module:
- coloractions_brightness => image_effects_brightness
- coloractions_colorshift => image_effects_color_shift
- coloractions_convert => convert
- coloractions_inverse => image_effects_invert
- coloractions_posterize => image_effects_posterize
- imagecache_adjustlevels => adjustLevels
- imagecache_alpha => image_effects_adjust_alpha (note: the ImageMagick function wasn't provided in the D7 module, and either the GD or ImageMagick function are wrong as they give different results)
- imagecache_colormultiply => image_effects_color_multiply
- imagecache_coloroverlay => image_effects_color_overlay
- imagecache_desaturatealpha => image_effects_desaturate_alpha
- imagecache_removeanimation => image_effects_remove_animation
Adds the following migrations:
- canvasactions_aspect
- canvasactions_canvas2file
- canvasactions_definecanvas
- canvasactions_resizepercent
- coloractions_brightness
- coloractions_colorshift
- coloractions_convert
- coloractions_inverse
- coloractions_posterize
- imagecache_adjustlevels
- imagecache_alpha
- imagecache_autorotate
- imagecache_colormultiply
- imagecache_coloroverlay
- imagecache_desaturatealpha
- imagecache_removeanimation
Still needs tests for the newly added effects.
Edited by Robert Romore