hybridauth 7.x-2.16

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.15:
Issue by bucefal91: Filter widget title value.
Issue #2844684: Add ability to trust X-Forwarded-* headers for Facebook provider by parryjacob, duozersk: Add ability to trust X-Forwarded-* headers for Facebook provider

hybridauth 7.x-2.11

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.10:

hybridauth 7.x-2.8

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.8-rc1:

Added Callback URL help for Twitter and language prefix fix.
Show hybridauth login block only if user has access to use hybridauth.
Fixed #2090795: Warning: Illegal string offset '#default_value' in hybridauth_bonus_form_hybridauth_admin_settings_alter() - Warning: Illegal string offset '#default_value' in hybridauth_bonus_form_hybridauth_admin_settings_alter()
#2080965: User profile image being saved as invalid images with no extention - Improved image saving from external URL.
Fixed #2095575: Boost compatibility issue - serving cached pages to authenticated users - Boost module compatibility.
Fixed #2095455: Jquery Mobile compatibility - jQuery Mobile compatibility - don't load auth links via AJAX.
Started #2106219: Support authentication in modal popup - implemented login through modal windows - colorbox and lightbox2
Fix for notice from #2107431: QQ module bug and infinite loop - Notice: Undefined index: description in drupal_check_module()
Fixed typo + moved drupal_set_message after session destruction (so it is shown).
Implemented #2106219: Support authentication in modal popup - login through modal windows - added shadowbox and fancybox support.
Added watchdog reporting if can't write to debug log file - #2108589: Facebook: Invalid User ID
Moved authentication window type setting to provider settings - #2109005: Authentication window type per provider
Added auth window size settings (per provider) - #2067053: Popup window size (width and height)
Moved onclick behavior into JS file so that Drupal.t() actually works.
Session data now only shown in debug mode.
Added vertical tabs to provider settings form.
Wrapped 'Closing...' into t() function for localization.
Implemented #2098915: Integration with Friendly Register - integration with Friendly Register.

hybridauth 7.x-2.8-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

Big update, many fixes and changes.

Fix for #1972420: JavaScript modification hooks - do not set onclick if #hybridauth_onclick was unset.
Added [HTTP_REFERER] option for #hybridauth_destination for widget rendered in modal window
Fixed #1975646: Custom Google scope doesn't work (Google expects string, not array) - array_filter() only Facebook scope
Changed the session handling to remove the session just when the error occurs; removed hook_page_alter() used previously.
Fixes for #1985552: Cancelling Facebook App Request sends you to "Closing..." page without redirecting. and #1982970: Auth cancel just loops over and over (Yandex) - added destination_error GET parameter for redirect on error.
Fix for #1985418: Check what "provider"_display variable is for - provider display is set according to auth window type.
Implemented #1988674: Google permissions - set Google permissions scope through provider settings
Fixed #1993094: Destination query parameters are encoded - support query params in destination
Fixed #1994978: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function hybridauth_forms_list() in /hybridauth/hybridauth_bonus/hybridauth_bonus.install on - PHP Fatal error on uninstallation of hybridauth_bonus if hybridauth is already disabled too.
Implemented #1996448: Add #name attribute to hybridauth user profile output - added '#name' property to hybridauth identities table on user profile page.
Fixed #1998918: Social services icons disappear (block cache): block shouldn't be cached.
Added hybridauth library check on install
Implemented #2016011: Make display name pattern to be optional - display name pattern is now optional.
Fixed #2016047: Allow other modules to provide additional HybridAuth tokens - process only tokens registered by HybridAuth module.
Added basic API functions and hooks description.
Fix for #2004064: PDOException, provider_identifier, truncated right - hash provider identifier if its length > 32 symbols
Fix for #2020351: Trying to delete non-existing page generates two stacked pages with PHP header already sent - call drupal_exit() after drupal_access_denied().

hybridauth 7.x-2.7

New features
Bug fixes

Big update; new features and bug fixes.

hybridauth 7.x-2.6

New features

Show add more identities widget only if user views his own HybridAuth tab
uLogin to HybridAuth migration submodule
Changed some icons in default icon packs
Changes to theming layer - be careful if you did some custom theming
Added rel="nofollow" to all authentication links - by konstantin.komelin
Added support for dynamically added providers - scan Providers directory and add additional providers to the admin page

hybridauth 6.x-2.0

First release for Drupal 6 - feature parity with Drupal 7 version where possible

hybridauth 7.x-2.4

New features

Reworked new user creation workflow
Removed implementation of hook_exit() - it was a hack for Legal module compatibility
Removed implementation of hook_user_presave()
Added hybridauth_session DB table
Implemented persistent sessions for HybridAuth session data

hybridauth 7.x-2.3

New features

New feature #1839178: One time username change - Allow username change when registering through HybridAuth
Integration with username_check module

hybridauth 7.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Bugfix for Recoverable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to drupal_array_set_nested_value() must be an array, null given...
+ Fixed logic for duplicate email processing

hybridauth 7.x-2.1

New features
Bug fixes

Added tokens support to destination setting (redirect after login).
Fixed #1835820: HybridAuth library also needs php5-curl - HybridAuth library requires php-curl; added to README.txt

hybridauth 7.x-2.1-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

Added tokens support to destination setting (redirect after login).
Fixed #1835820: HybridAuth library also needs php5-curl - HybridAuth library requires php-curl; added to README.txt

hybridauth 7.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

Fixed #1817062: Uninstall Issue - fixed broken uninstall
Trim white space for provider keys
Added 3rd option on how to handle duplicate emaill addresses - add new identity to the existing account

hybridauth 7.x-2.0-rc1

New features

First release of 7.x-2.x branch - should be very stable; tagging as rc1 just to make sure that no serious bugs are present; will do 2.0 in 2 weeks.

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