graphql_compose 2.1.0-beta6

Bug fixes
  • Slack issue: Language on MenusSchemaExtension @vermario
  • PHPCS updates on multiline commas

graphql_compose 2.1.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Issue #3440615: GraphQLComposeFieldTypeManager->getBundleFields does not check if bundle exists.

graphql_compose 2.1.0-beta3

New features

#3440525 Paragraphs Library entities are unsupported

Further split out schema settings and information settings to their respective tabs

graphql_compose 2.1.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

API Changes:

  • Change `GraphQLComposeSchema` to extend `AlterableComposableSchema`
  • Remove `langcode` from queries if site is not multiligual
  • Rename internal class `GraphQLComposeTypeSchemaExtension` to `EntitySchemaExtension`
  • Rename internal class `GraphQLComposeSchemaExtension` to `InformationSchemaExtension`
  • Rename internal class `LanguageItem` to `EntityLanguageItem`
  • Add `LanguageSchemaExtension`
  • Change `EntityTypeWrapper` to use DI and a service.


graphql_compose 2.1.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Develop branch for 2.1.x - Contains new functionality, backwards compatible.

graphql_compose 2.0.0-beta10

Bug fixes

TLDR: Crusty cache

No significant code changes. Upgrade is recommended.

  • Fix metadata cache leak on file/image
  • Fix breadcrumbs forcing cache max-age 0
  • Fix preview cache should have max-age 0
  • Fix revision by route, actually do the thing.
  • Add breadcrumb test.

graphql_compose 2.0.0-beta6

Bug fixes
New features

- breadcrumb support
- viewfield module support
- Fix issue Issue #3356859
- Remove Link.route
- Make MenuItem.route optional
- Add UUID copy utility
- Code standards cleanup

graphql_compose 2.0.0-beta5

- 02182f0 Issue #3356502: sortKey error in edge
- a70da89 Strip feature detail form readme, shift to project description
- 6148c86 Readme updates
- 19d78a9 Bump composer deps

graphql_compose 2.0.0-beta4

New features

- 1d3efce Add comments support
- 7fd8d1e Centralise GraphQL Compose settings into a single settings page.
- e7ceb2e Add support for Menu Link Attributes

graphql_compose 2.0.0-beta3

Bug fixes

- 98bd3bf Issue #3353917 by dineshkumarbollu: Fix the issues reported by phpcs
- cb86c33 Update readme value prop
- f5d823e _graphql_compose_entity_type_settings_submit entity user save
- 75e3cfb Unused langcode on routeinternal

graphql_compose 2.0.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

391c2a2 Issue #3353479: taxonomy and paragraph entity type does not exist
112d7e2 path and path_alias are required for routes
74948bc Implement hook_help by just importing readme md
df62c10 Langcode filtering on route query
8b8ff7a Langcode filtering on route query
41fb9b5 No default sort on edge, use label() and id()
9e66967 Reduce log spam on unsupported fields.
a1b4751 (origin/ui-plugins) Split country into type, add address_country field type, remove password item resolution.
11d7ce0 Update readme

graphql_compose 2.0.0-beta1

New features

This release 2.x is a full codebase rewrite and will include among other

- Split module into multiple modules
- UI to manage configuration

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta32

Bug fixes

- Issue #3329285: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes
- Issue #3323294: Multiple field items returning null

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta31

Bug fixes
New features

- Resolve #3321787 "File resolver"
- Resolve #3299685 "Pluralize not working"
- Issue #3317129: Render error with twig debug enabled
- Issue #3322022: Restructure entity schema extensions

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta22

Bug fixes
New features

- Add typePlural to graphQLComposeInformation query

- TypeError: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in array_keys()
- Support for PHP8 and symfony/string > v6 for drupal 9.4.6

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta15

New features

Add support for new fields:

- langcode
- email
- telephone
- password

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta14

New features

Add support for core fields:
- Core:
-- integer
-- float
-- decimal
-- list_integer
-- list_float

- Taxonomy:
-- Description

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta12

New features

- add support for fields:
-- text
-- text_long
-- text_long_summary

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta10

New features

Add core fields:
- Content types
-- status
-- promote
-- sticky
-- path
-- created
-- changed

- User
-- path
-- created
-- changed

- Paragraphs
-- status
-- created

- Core Fields
-- path
-- created
-- changed

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta7

Bug fixes

- fix: validate paragraphs module exists on paragraph_schema_extension
- fix: validate media module exists on media_schema_extension

graphql_compose 1.0.0-beta6

Bug fixes

- fix: validate media module exists
- fix: validate paragraphs module exists


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