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Commit c1feabf8 authored by Florent Torregrosa's avatar Florent Torregrosa Committed by Fran Garcia-Linares
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Issue #3502879 by grimreaper, jonathan1055, fjgarlin: Build task fails on...

Issue #3502879 by grimreaper, jonathan1055, fjgarlin: Build task fails on project without composer.json file
parent f21877e9
No related branches found
Tags 8.x-1.0
1 merge request!322Issue #3502879 by grimreaper: Build task fails on project without composer.json file
Pipeline #408480 passed
......@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ stages:
- echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:symlink_output\r\e[0K"
# Delete the current composer.json, and then restore from backup if one was made earlier.
- |
rm $_WEB_ROOT/modules/custom/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/composer.json
if [[ -f composer.json.backup ]]; then
rm $_WEB_ROOT/modules/custom/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/composer.json
echo "Restoring composer.json.backup to $_WEB_ROOT/modules/custom/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/composer.json"
mv composer.json.backup $_WEB_ROOT/modules/custom/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/composer.json
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