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Commit 54be45f6 authored by Fran Garcia-Linares's avatar Fran Garcia-Linares
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Issue #3437434 by fjgarlin, alexpott, jonathan1055: Composer (next major) no...

Issue #3437434 by fjgarlin, alexpott, jonathan1055: Composer (next major) no longer works after 11.x updated to Symfony 7
parent f4848230
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1 merge request!170Remove drush.
Pipeline #135484 passed
# GitLab Templates Changelog
## 1.3.3 - 2024-04-02
#3437434 - Composer (next major) no longer works after 11.x updated to Symfony 7.\
#3437397 - Add missing phpstan (max PHP version) job.\
#3436819 - Composer-lint fails if there are no php files in the project.\
#3431247 - Fix image references.\
#3422720 - D7 Test dependencies are not automatically brought.
## 1.3.2 - 2024-03-21
#3431247 - Add common customizations to the documentation site.\
......@@ -55,6 +55,24 @@
.show-context: &show-context
- |
php -r "include '$CI_PROJECT_DIR/vendor/autoload.php'; echo 'Drupal: ' . \Drupal::VERSION . PHP_EOL;"
php -v
.require-drush: &require-drush
- |
composer show -- drush/drush &>/dev/null || EXIT_CODE_DRUSH_INSTALLED=$?
if [ "$EXIT_CODE_DRUSH_INSTALLED" != "" ]; then
# Install drush (if not present) but allow failures as it might not be compatible with all Drupal versions.
composer require --dev drush/drush || EXIT_CODE_DRUSH_REQUIRE=$?
if [ "$EXIT_CODE_DRUSH_REQUIRE" != "" ]; then
printf "$DIVIDER\nWARNING: Drush could NOT be installed. This is not a hard dependency for the default jobs, so this is just a warning.$DIVIDER\n"
printf "$DIVIDER\nDrush is already installed$DIVIDER\n"
.simpletest-db: &simpletest-db
- |
[[ $_TARGET_DB_TYPE == "sqlite" ]] && export SIMPLETEST_DB=sqlite://localhost/sites/default/files/db.sqlite
......@@ -281,6 +299,7 @@ stages:
- php expand_composer_json.php
- composer install $COMPOSER_EXTRA
- rm expand_composer_json.php
- *require-drush
# Symlink module files to a module folder so we can do a full Drupal install.
- echo "Executing curl -OL$_CURL_TEMPLATES_REPO/-/raw/$_CURL_TEMPLATES_REF/scripts/symlink_project.php"
- curl -OL$_CURL_TEMPLATES_REPO/-/raw/$_CURL_TEMPLATES_REF/scripts/symlink_project.php
......@@ -671,8 +690,7 @@ cspell:
- *simpletest-db
- *show-environment-variables
# Provide some context on the test run.
- vendor/bin/drush status
- *show-context
- cd $_WEB_ROOT
# @see
- cp ./core/.env.example ./core/.env
......@@ -794,8 +812,7 @@ nightwatch (next major):
- *show-environment-variables
- *setup-webserver
- *simpletest-db
# Provide some context on the test run.
- vendor/bin/drush status
- *show-context
# Remove all spaces from _PHPUNIT_TESTGROUPS for reliable checking and to
# ensure only one string is passed to bin/phpunit or
- _PHPUNIT_TESTGROUPS=$(echo $_PHPUNIT_TESTGROUPS | sed -e 's/ //g')
......@@ -925,8 +942,7 @@ test-only changes:
- *show-environment-variables
- *setup-webserver
- *simpletest-db
# Provide some context on the test run.
- vendor/bin/drush status
- *show-context
- echo "Executing curl -OL$_CURL_TEMPLATES_REPO/-/raw/$_CURL_TEMPLATES_REF/scripts/"
- curl -OL$_CURL_TEMPLATES_REPO/-/raw/$_CURL_TEMPLATES_REF/scripts/ && chmod +x ./
# Execute using source so that all env vars will be available.
......@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ function default_json(string $project_name): array {
'cweagans/composer-patches' => '~1.0',
'drupal/core-recommended' => $drupalConstraint,
'drupal/core-dev' => $drupalConstraint,
'drush/drush' => '^10 || ^11 || ^12',
'php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint' => '^1.2',
'minimum-stability' => 'dev',
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