* Load include files which contain additional theming logic.
foreach (glob(\Drupal::service('extension.list.theme')->getPath('gin') . '/includes/*.theme') as $file) {
include $file;
* Set Gin CSS on top of all other CSS files.
// Use anything greater than 100 to have it load after the theme
// as CSS_AGGREGATE_THEME is set to 100.
// Let's be on the safe side and assign a high number to it.
$base_css = \Drupal::service('extension.list.theme')->getPath('gin') . '/dist/css/base/gin.css';
if (isset($css[$base_css])) {
$css[$base_css]['group'] = 200;
// The gin-custom.css file should be loaded just after our gin.css file.
$custom_css = 'public://gin-custom.css';
if (isset($css[$custom_css])) {
$css[$custom_css]['group'] = 201;