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git commit -m 'Issue #3316979: Fix Content Sync issue

Shane Thomas requested to merge 3316979-gatsby-content-sync into 2.0.x

Closes #3316979

If Content Sync URL is set in the setting this will now do the following:

  1. Add a hidden form field
  2. Set the hidden form field to true if the preview button is clicked
  3. Redirect the node form by adding a submit handler and including the correct content sync URL as a query param (preserving the destination parameter)
  4. If the correct parameter is in the URL this will pass a value to the open_preview_window JS file which will open up the correct content sync URL
  5. The URL in the browser window is then updated so the preview window is not opened again on refresh

If the Content Sync URL is not set the open preview window will work the same as it did before.

Merge request reports