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#3458723 Implement context menu for hovered component

Jesse Baker requested to merge issue/experience_builder-3458723:hoverui into 0.x
  1. Added a contextual menu to the currently hovered component

  2. Added ability to programatically (as opposed to using drag+drop) move a component up/down

  3. Added ability to duplicate a component

  4. Move delete component into contextual menu


This MR introduces a first pass at improving the canvas panning functionality to work better with laptop touchpads and more closely match other similar functionality that users may be familiar with.

  1. Panning can now be done with scroll wheel or two fingers on touch pad

  2. Drag-panning can be done by holding down the middle mouse button and dragging

  3. Zoom is now possible by holding down ctrl and scrolling with the mouse wheel.

Merge request reports