entityreference 7.x-1.6-rc2

Bug fixes
New features

Changes made since 7.x-1.6-rc1
PHP 8.0, 8.1 and PHP 8.2 compatibility added.
#3334678: PHP 8.2 compatibility fix

entityreference 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-1.3

  • view commit • Issue #2877592 by hgoto: Update to 7.x-1.3 fails on MSSQL and PostgreSQL

entityreference 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes
New features

Note for Postgres and MSSQL users

There is a known issues with the 1.3 update which we're working on here https://www.drupal.org/node/2877592

You may want to wait until 1.4 before updating entityreference.

entityreference 7.x-1.0-rc5


Just a maintenance release on top of rc4, fixing a fatal error introduced in the new UI.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-rc4

  • #1410306: make the query alteration code more robust.
  • #1793328: fix fatal error in the UI when no behavior are present.
  • Add missing file.

entityreference 7.x-1.0-rc4


A very long overdue release. Fixes the broken Views handler and introduces a refactored settings UI, in addition to fixing a number of small bugs.

entityreference 7.x-1.0-rc3


Fixes a critical bug in 1.0-rc2. See the change log for rc2 for a list of all the nice changes since rc1.

entityreference 7.x-1.0-rc2


Second release candidate of Entity Reference, that contains some very exciting new features. We now have integration with Views for providing the list of entities to be referenced. The parent entity the reference field is attached to is now passed to selection handlers (requires Drupal > 7.14), so that you can implement context-aware selection. Finally, we now have a basic integration with the Feeds module and fixed a couple of bugs, typos and usability issues.

Please review this release and open bug reports as usual. We would like to move forward with a 1.0 within the next couple of weeks.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-rc1

  • #1416560: fix typos (partial patch).
  • #1569144: allow the autocomplete to match label entered manually.
  • #1569144: make target_id NOT NULL to catch obscure bugs sooner.
  • #1341012: add integration with the Feeds module.
  • #1576664: fix an EntityMalformedException.
  • #1570524 by thimothoeye: Fixed EntityReference_SelectionHandler_Views::getInstance() doesn't match signature in superclass.

entityreference 7.x-1.0-rc1


This is the first release candidate version of Entity Reference. At this point, we believe that Entity Reference is sufficiently robust and extensible to be used in projects of any size. It is already used as a foundation for Organic Groups 7.x-2.x and many other contributed projects (including my own Tree framework).

Prove us wrong, and open bugs if you can find any!

entityreference 7.x-1.0-beta5


Changes since 7.x-1.0-beta4:

  • #1392702 by joachim, amitaibu, myself: Provide select list as a views exposed filter.
  • #1438278: try as much as we can to avoid loops in the different info hooks. See #1416558 for context.
  • #1396850: Don't assume the Options module is enabled.

entityreference 7.x-1.0-beta4


New beta release, on our road to a full release.

The main change of this release is the addition of the Behavior plugins. Those plugins allow other modules (for example: Organic Groups, Tree...) to extend the behavior of Entity Reference, while reusing all the widgets, formatters, selection plugins available in Entity Reference.

Note: This release changed the schema of the field (dropping the target_type column. Features exporting this field will need to be manually fixed.

API changes

  • The selection plugin interface has changed (including its name)
  • The schema of the field has changed. Module (incorrectly) storing the schema of the field (for example: Features) will need to be fixed.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-beta3

  • Follow-up to #1319040: make the upgrade path a tad more robust.
  • #1427040: Behaviors are not instantiated properly.
  • #1276272: Don't display bundle selection if the entity type doesn't have a bundle key.
  • #1345340: Make the base selection handler more robust to missing entity types.
  • Feature #1427032: allow behaviors to override the behavior of entityreference_field_is_empty().

entityreference 7.x-1.0-beta3

Security update
Bug fixes

Just a quick release to get a security fix out there: the label of the entity was not encoded properly in the autocomplete callback.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-beta2:

  • #1383914: Wrong encoding of label in entityreference_autocomplete_callback().
  • #1357232 by colan: Module should be listed in the Fields package.

entityreference 7.x-1.0-beta2


New beta release to keep the ball rolling. Two significant changes are expected before the RC:

entityreference 7.x-1.0-beta1


Entity reference enters beta! At this point, a complete upgrade path between any beta version and the final version will be provided.

A few things are blocking a stable release:

entityreference 7.x-1.0-alpha2

New alpha release. The major functional change is that this module now implements special cases for all the core entities, and will respect access control around all those entities (with the notable exception of the file entity).

entityreference 7.x-1.0-alpha1

This is the first release of the Entity Reference module.

At this point, it seems to be feature complete. The only things blocking a full release are:

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