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#3476061 - General improvements to code (quality), documentation and VBO functionalities

This MR closes #3476061 and implements the following tech features:

  • adoption of file with module documentation
  • extended compatibility with Drupal 11
  • implementation of an "Entity Pdf Download" action plugin, to automatically generate collated pdf entities, via Views Bulk Ops, directly replicating a similar action present (and very useful) in the Entity Print module (
  • replacements of many \Drupal calls (that should be avoided in classes) in favour of the correct use dependency injection
  • perform Drupal and PHP coding standards fixes and full compliance with phpstan quality standards and phpcs quality standards (according to Drupal, DrupalPractice and Slevomat CodingStandards)
  • implementation of GitLab CI
Edited by Italo Mairo

Merge request reports
