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  • Roger Saner's avatar
    Modified to reflect that we're not handling expiry of file downloads. · 8affcd75
    Roger Saner authored
    Fixed up the sql query for returning all file downloads for a user.
    Commented out all mentions of file expiry, as we're not supporting this functionality right now.
    Changed permission from 'hide upload info checkboxes' to 'show upload info checkboxes'
    Added a user/myfiles menu item which redirects the user to their purchased files, at user/%user/store/myfiles
    Some small whitespace fixes.
    Cleaned up ec_file_file_download() which works as follows:
    * If file is sellable and the user owns the node which is being viewed, grant access.
    * If user has bought the file, grant access.
    Added more descriptive info about how the checkboxes work to the README.