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Verified Commit f8a34d34 authored by Alex Pott's avatar Alex Pott
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Issue #1956134 by smustgrave, dawehner, larowlan, jibran, jbloomfield,...

Issue #1956134 by smustgrave, dawehner, larowlan, jibran, jbloomfield, lokapujya, Oscaner, elachlan, mgifford, olli, srilakshmier, Manuel Garcia, Nitin shrivastava, afeijo, alexpott, jgeryk, garphy, grisendo, jessebeach, xjm, joachim, tim.plunkett, andypost, Wim Leers, EclipseGc, damiankloip, benjy, klonos: Provide helpful editing links on "admin/structure/block" for deriver blocks (menu, views, block content, etc.)
parent 3e486f78
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