Issue #3251895 by Shabbir, rodrigoaguilera, ckrina:...
Issue #3251895 by Shabbir, rodrigoaguilera, ckrina: claro_form_views_ui_config_item_form_alter() assumes a suffix when there is a prefix leading to: Undefined index #suffix in $form['options']['value']
(cherry picked from commit b4263a3e)
5 merge requests!8376Drupal views: adding more granularity to the ‘use ajax’ functionality,!8300Issue #3443586 View area displays even when parent view has no results.,!7567Issue #3153723 by quietone, Hardik_Patel_12: Change the scaffolding...,!7565Issue #3153723 by quietone, Hardik_Patel_12: Change the scaffolding...,!7509Change label "Block description" to "Block type"