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Issue #1986330 : When Batch ID doesn't exist, Drupal should emit a 404

Bhanu D requested to merge issue/drupal-1986330:1986330-when-batch-id into 11.x

Issue #1986330 by subhojit777, marcelodornelas, ravi.shankar, immaculatexavier, wheatpenny, nikunjkotecha, shashikant_chauhan, vacho, smagdits, kasperg, aron.beal, andriansyah, rajeevk, Suresh Prabhu Parkala,, cebasqueira, richardcanoe, stefank, quietone, YesCT, AkshayKalose, DrDam, DevElCuy, John Cook, alexpott, xjm, moymilo, dawehner, tstoeckler, webchick, AkashKumar07, bhanu951: When Batch ID doesn't exist, Drupal should emit a 404

Closes #1986330

Updated error message after UX review .


Merge request reports
