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  • Dries Buytaert's avatar
    · 3b8c99d9
    Dries Buytaert authored
    - Bugfix: fixed the CREATE FUNCTION in database.mssql as it needs to be prefixed with GO for some obscure reason.  Patch by Kjartan.
    - Bugfix: fixed the defaults for blocks in database.mssql so the NOT NULL fields get values.  Patch by Kjartan.
    - Bugfix: changed check_form() to use htmlspecialchars() instead of drupal_specialchars() as this caused Drupal to emit incorrect form items in presence of quotes.  Example:
      <input type="submit" class="form-submit" name="op" value="Submit "top nodes" block changes" />
      IMO, drupal_specialchars() is better called xmlspecialchars() to avoid confusion.
    - Bugfix: when an anonymous user visits a site, they shouldn't see any content (except the login block, if it is enabled) unless they have the "access content" permissions.  Patch by Matt Westgate.
    - Improvement: improved the error checking and the error messages in the profile module.  Updated the code to match the Drupal coding conventions.  Modified patch from Matt Westgate.
    - Improvement: don't generate th...