$output.='<p>'.t('The <a href=":contact_storage">contact storage</a> module supplies an "Options email" field type which can be used to determine the recipient of the contact form. When an "Options email" field is added to a form, you are still required to enter a recipient\'s email address on the contact form edit page. This results in an email sent to the entered recipient address and the recipient selected in the "Options email" field.',[':contact_storage'=>'https://www.drupal.org/project/contact_storage']).'</p>';
$output.='<p>'.t('This module removes the recipient field when an required "Options email" is added to the form and places a notification on top of the edit page: "The recipient of this form is determined by the "[field name]" field.". When a non-required "Options email" field is added to the edit page: "An optional additional recipient of this form is determined by the "[field name]" field."').'</p>';