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Commit ef4180f8 authored by Tamaki Fujino's avatar Tamaki Fujino Committed by Yas Naoi
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Issue #3293207 by TamakiFujino, kumikoono, yas: Add a BDD test to check...

Issue #3293207 by TamakiFujino, kumikoono, yas: Add a BDD test to check "Refresh" button for K8s Nodes and Events
parent 8f811265
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3 merge requests!1316Issue #3310263: Release 4.5.0,!1260Issue #3307397: Release 4.4.0,!1147Issue #3293207: Add a BDD test to check "Refresh" button for Nodes/Events/Schedules
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ Feature: Create a Drupal role for K8s and a user as "Administrator"
And I check the box "View any K8s entities belonging to a namespace: kube-public"
And I check the box "View any K8s entities belonging to a namespace: kube-system"
And I check the box "View any K8s entities belonging to a namespace: kubernetes-dashboard"
And I check the box "View K8s event"
And I check the box "View K8s node"
# Allow to see the cloud service provider
And I check the box "Access {{ cloud_service_provider_name }}"
# Allow to launch an instance.
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ Feature: Confirm no K8s resources created by user as "Administrator"
Then I should not see a "table" element
And I should see neither error nor warning messages
Scenario: No horizontal pod autoscalers are listed
Given I am logged in as a user with the "Administrator" role
......@@ -4,20 +4,34 @@ Feature: Confirm the refresh button works for view only resources
Scenario Outline: Check the visibility of refresh button for node
Given I am logged in as <user>
When I visit "/clouds/k8s/node"
Then I should not see the link "Refresh"
Then I should <status> the link "Refresh"
| user |
| a user with the "Authenticated user" role |
| user "{{ user_name }}" |
| user | status |
| a user with the "Authenticated user" role | not see |
| user "{{ user_name }}" | see |
Scenario: Refresh the list of node
Given I am logged in as user '{{ user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/k8s/node"
And I click "Refresh"
Then I should see the success message "Updated"
Scenario Outline: Check the visibility of refresh button for event
Given I am logged in as <user>
When I visit "/clouds/k8s/event"
Then I should not see the link "Refresh"
Then I should <status> the link "Refresh"
| user |
| a user with the "Authenticated user" role |
| user "{{ user_name }}" |
| user | status |
| a user with the "Authenticated user" role | not see |
| user "{{ user_name }}" | see |
Scenario: Refresh the list of event
Given I am logged in as user '{{ user_name }}"
When I visit "/clouds/k8s/event"
And I click "Refresh"
Then I should see the success message "Updated"
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