Background Image FIeld module allows you to create a field on an entity type.
It requires responsive images mapping in order to offer the best image quality
for the device it is rendering on. The field will define the CSS selector to
attach the background image too and then allow you basic CSS options repeat,
size, and position so you can define a per
image solution for your frontend needs.
- Token
- Core: Responsive Images
Formatters are used in the process of how fields are rendered. A formatter
is an addition to how a field works and is not a field itself. Formatters
can solve global issues while using the base fields configuration. Formatters
that have similar features as the Background Image Field:
- [Picture Background Formatter (base formatter)](
- [Background Images Formatter](
- [Simple Background Image Formatter](
The biggest differences you will notice is that the formatters will apply it
setting globally to all content that is being rendered with that formatter.
Using a field-specific solution allows you the control of each
individual content of the field type per entity type i.e. node,
paragraph_item, or custom entity. This field type makes your
background image content more dynamic per page and
allows more control over how your background image will render.
Having this as a field also allows you a different way to apply it
to content, query it in views, custom personalization per item
created with it.
Install as you would any other drupal module. See more information
1. Create responsive image style /admin/config/media/responsive-image-style
- The only responsive image style that will
be picked up by the field formatter
are the ones that have selected a single image style.
2. Add the field on an entity type such as node,
paragraph_item or, custom entity.
If you do not see the background image, please make sure to check
that the CSS selector is actually apart of the HTML.
The field will not create the selector you choose it already has
to exist for it to work.
If you don't see any available responsive image styles in the managed
display setting on the entity type you will most
likely need to create one following the outline configurations above.
[The Tombras Group](
Module Development and Maintenance
[Encore Multimedia](
Initial development for the formatter in the Background Image Field