# As long as you include this, any future includes added by the Drupal Association will be accessible to your pipelines automatically.
# View these include files at https://git.drupalcode.org/project/gitlab_templates/
# @todo Remove when https://www.drupal.org/i/3421674 is fixed.
# "ref" value can be:
# - Recommended (default) - `ref: $_GITLAB_TEMPLATES_REF` - The Drupal Association will update this value to the recommended tag for contrib.
# - Latest - `ref: main` - Get the latest additions and bug fixes as they are merged into the templates.
# - Minor or Major latests - `ref: 1.x-latest` or `ref: 1.0.x-latest` - Get the latest additions within a minor (mostly bugfixes) or major (bugs and new features).
# - Fixed tag - `ref: 1.0.1` - Set the value to a known tag. This will not get any updates.
# If you change the default value of ref, you should set the _CURL_TEMPLATES_REF variable in the variables section to be the same as set here.
# EXPERIMENTAL: For Drupal 7, remove the above line and uncomment the below.