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UpdaterTest.php 2.49 KiB
namespace Drupal\Tests\automatic_updates\Kernel;
use Prophecy\Argument;
* @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\automatic_updates\Updater
* @group automatic_updates
class UpdaterTest extends AutomaticUpdatesKernelTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected static $modules = [
* Tests that correct versions are staged after calling ::begin().
public function testCorrectVersionsStaged() {
$this->setReleaseMetadata(__DIR__ . '/../../fixtures/release-history/drupal.9.8.1-security.xml');
'drupal' => '9.8.1',
// Rebuild the container to ensure the project versions are kept in state.
/** @var \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel $kernel */
$kernel = $this->container->get('kernel');
$this->container = $kernel->getContainer();
$stager = $this->prophesize('\PhpTuf\ComposerStager\Domain\StagerInterface');
$command = [
// These two plugins are in the root composer.json that ships with a
// git clone of Drupal core, so they will be included when determining
// which core packages to update.
// @see \Drupal\automatic_updates\Updater::getCorePackageNames()
$stager->stage($command, Argument::cetera())->shouldBeCalled();
$this->container->set('package_manager.stager', $stager->reveal());
* @covers ::begin
* @dataProvider providerInvalidProjectVersions
public function testInvalidProjectVersions(array $project_versions): void {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Currently only updates to Drupal core are supported.');
* Data provider for testInvalidProjectVersions().
* @return array
* The test cases for testInvalidProjectVersions().
public function providerInvalidProjectVersions(): array {
return [
'only not drupal' => [['not_drupal' => '1.1.3']],
'not drupal and drupal' => [['drupal' => '9.8.0', 'not_drupal' => '1.2.3']],
'empty' => [[]],