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  • Arlina Espinoza Rhoton's avatar
    #80 Upgrade path from API doc custom entities to nodes (#85) · 5e0dc35e
    Arlina Espinoza Rhoton authored
    * [#71] Create apidoc node bundle on install/update.
    * [#71] Apidoc conversion.
    * [#71] Apidoc conversion.
    * [#71] Apidoc conversion.
    * [#71] Apidoc - node path aliases.
    * [#71] Apidoc - tests.
    * [#71] Apidoc - README.
    * [#71] Apidoc - links/tasks/actions.
    * [#71] Apidoc - ApiDocsAdminTest.
    * [#71] Apidoc - ApiDocsJsonApi.
    * [#71] Apidoc - removing ApiDocsAccessTest as it is covered by core.
    * [#80] Allow updating from 1.x branch, and import config to create node type and fields, etc.
    * [#80] Moving logic to an update service.
    * [#80] Update step 8802 successful.
    * [#80] Update steps complete correctly.
    * [#80] Code sniffer fixes.
    * [#80] Fieldname and values fix.
    * [#80] Remove some merged code.
    * [#80] Fixes from the scenario where 1.x was never installed.