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Commit c0fbb0a8 authored by Alberto Paderno's avatar Alberto Paderno
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Issue #3464063: Merge checkCacheExists() into assertCacheExists()

parent fafb37ac
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1 merge request!36Issue #3464063: Merge checkCacheExists() into assertCacheExists()
Pipeline #235237 passed
......@@ -43,53 +43,55 @@ class ApcCacheTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Check whether a cache entry exists.
* Asserts a cache item exists.
* @param string $bin
* The cache bin.
* @param string $cid
* The cache ID.
* @param mixed $var
* The value the cache should contain.
* @param string $bin
* The bin containing the cache item.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the cache entry exists, FALSE otherwise.
* @param string $value
* The value the cache should contain, or NULL if the value is not relevant.
* @param string $message
* The message to display, or NULL to use the default one.
protected function checkCacheExists($cid, $var, $bin) {
$cache = cache_get($cid, $bin);
protected function assertCacheItem($bin, $cid, $value = NULL, $message = '') {
if (is_null($message)) {
$message = t(
'@cache_id was correctly stored in the item.',
array('@cache_id' => $cid)
return isset($cache->data) && $cache->data == $var;
$item = cache_get($cid, $bin);
t('@cache_id was found in the cache.', array('@cache_id' => $cid))
* Asserts a cache entry exists.
* @param string $message
* Message to display.
* @param string $var
* The variable the cache should contain.
* @param string $cid
* The cache id.
* @param string $bin
* The bin containing the cache item.
protected function assertCacheExists($message, $var, $cid, $bin) {
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists($cid, $var, $bin), $message);
if (!is_null($value)) {
$this->assertIdentical($item->data, $value, $message);
* Asserts a cache entry has been removed.
* Asserts a cache item does not exist.
* @param string $message
* Message to display.
* @param string $cid
* The cache id.
* @param string $bin
* The bin the cache item was stored in.
* The cache bin.
* @param string $cid
* The cache ID.
* @param string $message
* The message to display, or NULL to use the default one.
protected function assertCacheRemoved($message, $cid, $bin) {
$cache = cache_get($cid, $bin);
$this->assertFalse($cache, $message);
protected function assertNoCacheItem($bin, $cid, $message = '') {
if (is_null($message)) {
$message = t(
'@cache_id was not found in the cache.',
array('@cache_id' => $cid)
$this->assertFalse(cache_get($cid, $bin), $message);
......@@ -215,18 +217,19 @@ class ApcCacheGetMultipleUnitTest extends ApcCacheTestCase {
public function testCacheMultiple() {
$bin = 'cache_apc';
$item1 = $this->randomName(10);
$item2 = $this->randomName(10);
cache_set('item1', $item1, $bin);
cache_set('item2', $item2, $bin);
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('item1', $item1, $bin), t('Item 1 is cached.'));
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('item2', $item2, $bin), t('Item 2 is cached.'));
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'item1', $item1);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'item2', $item2);
// Fetch both records from the database with cache_get_multiple().
$item_ids = array('item1', 'item2');
$items = cache_get_multiple($item_ids, $bin);
$this->assertEqual($items['item1']->data, $item1, t('Item was returned from cache successfully.'));
$this->assertEqual($items['item2']->data, $item2, t('Item was returned from cache successfully.'));
$this->assertEqual($items['item1']->data, $item1, t('Item1 was correctly stored in the cache.'));
$this->assertEqual($items['item2']->data, $item2, t('Item2 was correctly stored in the cache.'));
// Remove one item from the cache.
cache_clear_all('item2', $bin);
......@@ -234,9 +237,9 @@ class ApcCacheGetMultipleUnitTest extends ApcCacheTestCase {
// Confirm that only one item is returned by cache_get_multiple().
$item_ids = array('item1', 'item2');
$items = cache_get_multiple($item_ids, $bin);
$this->assertEqual($items['item1']->data, $item1, t('Item was successfully returned from cache.'));
$this->assertFalse(isset($items['item2']), t('Item was not returned from the cache.'));
$this->assertTrue(count($items) == 1, t('Only valid cache entries has been returned.'));
$this->assertEqual($items['item1']->data, $item1, t('Item1 was correctly stored in the cache.'));
$this->assertFalse(isset($items['item2']), t('Item2 was not present in the cache.'));
$this->assertTrue(count($items) == 1, t('Only an entry was retrieved from the cache.'));
......@@ -278,23 +281,21 @@ class ApcCacheClearCase extends ApcCacheTestCase {
$bin = 'cache_apc';
$value = $this->randomString();
cache_set('test_cid_clear', $value, $bin);
$this->assertCacheExists(t('The cache item was created.'), $value, 'test_cid_clear', $bin);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear', $value);
cache_clear_all('test_cid_clear', $bin);
$this->assertCacheRemoved(t('The cache item was removed.'), 'test_cid_clear', $bin);
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear');
$value1 = $this->randomString();
$value2 = $this->randomString();
cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin);
cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin);
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
&& $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin),
t('Two cache items were created.'));
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1', $value1);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2', $value2);
cache_clear_all('*', $bin);
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
&& $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin),
t('Two caches still exists after clearing values for the * cache ID, where the cache ID is not a wildcard value.'));
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1', $value1);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2', $value2);
......@@ -302,33 +303,28 @@ class ApcCacheClearCase extends ApcCacheTestCase {
public function testClearWildcard() {
$bin = 'cache_apc';
$value1 = $this->randomString();
$value2 = $this->randomString();
cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin);
cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin);
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
&& $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin),
t('Two cache items were created.'));
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1', $value1);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2', $value2);
cache_clear_all('*', $bin, TRUE);
$this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
|| $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin),
t('Two cache items were removed after clearing the values for the * cache ID, where the cache ID is a wildcard value.'));
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1');
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2');
$value1 = $this->randomString();
$value2 = $this->randomString();
cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin);
cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1', $value1);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2', $value2);
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
&& $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin),
t('Two cache items were created.'));
cache_clear_all('test_', $bin, TRUE);
$this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
|| $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin),
t('Two cache items were removed after clearing all the cache IDs starting with test_.'));
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1');
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2');
......@@ -336,38 +332,35 @@ class ApcCacheClearCase extends ApcCacheTestCase {
public function testClearArray() {
$bin = 'cache_apc';
$value1 = $this->randomString();
$value2 = $this->randomString();
$value3 = $this->randomString();
cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin);
cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin);
cache_set('test_cid_clear3', $value3, $bin);
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
&& $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin)
&& $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $value3, $bin),
t('Three cache items were created.'));
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1', $value1);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2', $value2);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear3', $value3);
cache_clear_all(array('test_cid_clear1', 'test_cid_clear2'), $bin);
$this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
|| $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin),
t('Two cache items were removed.'));
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $value3, $bin),
t('A cache item was not removed.'));
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1');
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2');
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear3', $value3);
// Set the cache clear threshold to 2 to confirm that the full bin is
// cleared when the threshold is exceeded.
variable_set('cache_clear_threshold', 2);
cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin);
cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin);
$this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
&& $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin),
t('Two cache items were created.'));
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1', $value1);
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2', $value2);
cache_clear_all(array('test_cid_clear1', 'test_cid_clear2', 'test_cid_clear3'), $bin);
$this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $value1, $bin)
|| $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $value2, $bin)
|| $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $value3, $bin),
t('All the cache items were removed.'));
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear1');
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear2');
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, 'test_cid_clear3');
......@@ -380,15 +373,15 @@ class ApcCacheClearCase extends ApcCacheTestCase {
// Create cache items for each Drupal core cache bin that
// drupal_flush_all_caches() will clear.
foreach ($bins as $id => $bin) {
$id = 'test_cid_clear' . $id;
cache_set($id, $value, $bin);
$cid = 'test_cid_clear' . $id;
cache_set($cid, $value, $bin);
foreach ($bins as $id => $bin) {
$id = 'test_cid_clear' . $id;
$this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists($id, $value, $bin), t('All the cache items were removed from @bin.', array('@bin' => $bin)));
$cid = 'test_cid_clear' . $id;
$this->assertNoCacheItem($bin, $cid);
......@@ -417,13 +410,12 @@ class ApcCacheIsEmptyCase extends ApcCacheTestCase {
$bin = 'cache_apc';
$value = $this->randomString();
// Clear the cache bin.
cache_clear_all('*', $bin);
$this->assertTrue(cache_is_empty($bin), t('The cache bin is empty'));
// Add some data to the cache bin.
cache_set('test_temporary', $value, $bin);
$this->assertCacheExists(t('The cache item was created.'), $value, 'test_temporary', $bin);
$this->assertFalse(cache_is_empty($bin), t('The cache bin is not empty'));
$this->assertCacheItem($bin, 'test_temporary', $value);
$this->assertFalse(cache_is_empty($bin), t('The cache bin is not empty.'));
// Remove the cached data.
cache_clear_all('test_temporary', $bin);
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