4.0.0-alpha1d4e4c816 · ·
Remove Drush commands in favor of purge commands
PHP 8.2 compat for the settings form.
8f29d0 Optimize imports (a PHPCS fix) [Moshe Weitzman] 4a093c1 Issue #3370942 by arti_parmar: Unused variable $keys [Moshe Weitzman] 6fc9d05 Avoid debug messages [Moshe Weitzman]
Requirements: Drupal 9 and PHP 8.1+. - Drupal 8 sites should continue to use the 4.1 release - Drupal 10 sites should use an Akamai 5 release
Requirements: Drupal 9 and PHP 8.1+. - Drupal 8 sites should continue to use the 4.1 release - Drupal 10 sites should use an Akamai 5 release
Requires Drupal 10+