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Adding basic README and beginning of structure for docs

Jerad Bitner requested to merge issue/ai-3455852:3455852-gitlab-pages-docs into 1.0.x

update to .gitlab-ci.yml

  • add in the pages section for building mkdocs (untested as i've never used this feature before)


  • a basic script that will
    • copy the main readme into docs as
    • search through submodule dirs for README files
    • copy those into the appropriate destination in docs

adding mkdocs.yml

  • defines the basic structure of the documentation site for us with mkdocs
  • note this will need to be manually updated for any new README created in submodules

Adding basic README and beginning of structure for docs

  • Basic README and corresponding index in /docs
  • copied documentation from in md format inot /docs
  • copied the README's found in submodules into /docs with mirrored structure as files

Merge request reports